
Roland is a city on the western coast of the Flaeness known for it's interesting geography and for it's status as a city of trade.   Nestled into the Gull Cliffs, Roland's Bay of Gates is a freak harbor. The cliffs around Roland are 150 to 400 feet high, but the harbor is deep and vessels can draw virtually up to the sea gates of Roland itself. By virtue of those cliffs, Roland is highly defensible, which is why the Oeridians founded it. Set back from the harbor, the place is immune to maritime invasion, which was judged worth the necessity of hauling cargoes from the harbor into the town itself along the very smooth trail which connects town and harbor.


Roland is virtually a split level city. Most of it is built on the hills by the coastline, but there are also extensive caves below, excavated by the dwarves and gnomes who once lived in considerable numbers in the Gull Cliffs. Now, there are perhaps 150 dwarves and 200 gnomes in the town, with 250 dwarves and 1,000 gnomes in small scattered settlements in the Gull Cliffs. The invading Oeridians initially tried to wipe out the dwarven and gnomish clans, but over the centuries some kind of uneasy truce was proclaimed. In the 150 years since The Five came to rule Roland, demihumans have been considerably better treated. Some of them are of good alignments, however a number of them count themselves as being neutral and no few of them are very definitely evil.


Roland has a highly unusual form of government, being ruled by a group known simply as The Five. A despotic Garasteth ruler was overthrown in a military coup, and the leaders of that coup instituted their own despotism instead. To avoid assassination attempts, they kept their identities secret, meeting at irregular intervals in the windowless marbled keep known simply as Fortress. While The Five know who each other are, they meet masked and disguised in Fortress. When one dies, and it is time to select a replacement, the position of rulership is usually hereditary, but from time to time one of The Five has been known to be hurried along to an early grave to allow a particularly promising "external candidate" to take his or her place.

Industry & Trade

Roland has been the subject of usually abortive barbarian raids in the past, but recently Frost Barbarians have come offering trade and peace, and the Five of Roland are considering whether this might be a good idea. Because of its security, the town has only three coasters for patrols and always has been used to the protection of the Sea Barons, who are still a major trading partner. The only major outpost the town maintains is Grelden, which stands at the triple border with Winetha's lands and those of the Overking Ivid himself, so by and large Roland has few outgoings and overheads. The town is not rich, but it isn't poor either.


The Smuggler's Walk is the major access route to Roland. For three-quarters of its length it is an overground trail through the hills, capable of being traversed by small carts -- though wagons find the terrain too rough. For small sections at irregular intervals, the trail descends below the hills through a series of short excavated tunnels. The work here appears dwarven, but the dwarves of the Gull Cliffs have forgotten who built them and why. These tunnels are protected by militia detachments. The longest of them, Coppercavern, is a large natural cavern which has been developed and worked out.    There is even a coaching tavern here, The Smuggler's Lament. Stuffed full of piratical decorations and naval furnishings by its eccentric gnomish owner, the place offers good accommodations, food, and beer, so that many making the trek through the cliffs look forward to a rest along their way.


In the caves and catacombs below Roland, some folk actually make their homes, though this is unusual. Rather, there is a system of military bunkers and stores, and also several catacombs of mummified bodies. A long forgotten town ruler once decided to have his body mummified after death and placed here, and the fashion caught on among the better off. It has become a sign of rank and privilege to have one's body disposed of in this way, rather than burned and the ashes scattered on the sea (the traditional method).    Obviously, such catacombs attract necromancers as dung attracts flies, so they are carefully guarded by detachments of the town watch.
The City of Roland nestled into the Gull Cliffs.

Town: 5,000 | Lands: 75,000
Owning Organization

Articles under Roland