Dwarven Pantheon

The Dwarven pantheon and its tenets are simple and strong, staying with the teachings of their creator deity. The Dwarves believe themselves to be the creations of the greater power Moradin, whom they often credit with creating the world and even all the other gods of every race. The Dwarven pantheon is mostly male and notably lawful, though Dwarves do show deference to gods of other races whose views align with their own, such as Ulaa the human goddess of hills, mountains, and gemstones.   Dwarvish deities tend to be very practical, concerned with the earth, metals/minerals, warfare, craftsmanship, strength, and reverence of ancestors. There are very few cases of Dwarven deities governing the sea, plant life, weather, the stars, animals, comedy, or the arcane. Stressing the pragmatic and the practical, Dwarves have absolutely no place for the arcane or mystical in their myths, legends, and beliefs.  

Greater Powers


Moradin is the head of a fairly large pantheon of dwarven deities. (The exact members of this pantheon vary from clan to clan.) It is said that Moradin created the race of dwarves from iron and mithril, forging them in the fires at the center of the world. The dwarves’ souls entered their bodies when Moradin blew on his creations to cool them.  

Intermediate Powers



Known as the Dwarven god of greed, at times Abbathor has been the ally of the other dwarven gods, but his treachery and lust for treasure make him a dangerous associate. He will never help any non-dwarven deity or creature. He cannot be trusted to do anything but evil unless it suits his own purposes to give assistance.  

Berronar Truesilver

The greatest of all dwarven goddesses is usually held to be Berronar, who lives with Moradin in the Seven Heavens at the Soul Forge beneath the mountains. Berronar is seen as the patroness of marriage and love (but not necessarily romance). Her name is often invoked in small home rituals, for protection from thieves and duplicity. But Berronar is not a passive homebody; her efforts to preserve and protect dwarven culture and civilization have spanned many universes, and dwarves of both sexes revere her name.  

Clangeddin Silverbeard

  Bald and silver-bearded, Clangeddin "the Father of Battle" lives in a vast mountain fortress manned by the souls of the finest dwarven warriors. He taught the dwarves many special methods of combating giant-types and passed his knowledge and skills on to the gnomish gods as well.  


Dumathoin, the “Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain,” is said to hide the secrets of the earth until they are ready to be uncovered by the diligent and the deserving. He is the protector of the mountain dwarves, the keeper of all metals. He lays veins of iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral where he feels they will do the most benefit to his followers when found.  


The patron god of dwarven merchants and most non-evil dwarven thieves is the scheming Vergadain, god of wealth and luck. He is said to be a great poet as well and may dispense clues to his worshippers on the locations of great treasures. These clues are usually hidden in a verse or rhyme of some sort. His bard-like talents also give him the ability to carefully evaluate treasures as to their true nature and worth.  

Lesser Powers



The dwarven gods, led by Moradin.