Halfling Pantheon

The Halfling pantheon is normally small to each Halfling, though in total it has many gods representing villages, forests, rivers, lakes, beloved ancestors, and so on. Led by Yondala, goddess of protection, wisdom, and fertility, Halflings often refer to both themselves and their pantheon as "Yondalla's Children". As evidenced by the number of gods they have versus the number each individual actively worships, Halflings view religion as a very personal matter, As such Halflings have a number of different creation myths they believe, some even believing Yondalla merely discovered the Halfling race and adopted them as her own.   To add somewhat to the obstruction in studying Halfling worship, more than one deity will often have rulership over an area in Halfling life, underlining the unity of this pantheon and those who worship it. The pantheon concerns itself primarily with spheres of home, friendship, trust, plants, agriculture, and nature. Halflings have no deities of evil alignment, nor ones representing war, suffering, fire or water, violent death, strife, and (interestingly) none representing craftsmanship. Halfling deities of arcane, mystical, and occult tendencies are distinctly thin on this ground.  

Greater Powers

Yondalla the Provider

Yondalla is a goddess of nature, plants, and growth. She is viewed as the chief matriarch in the halfling pantheon, responsible for the race's creation and for blessing them with peace, comfort, and plenty. She is also viewed as the race's chief protector; although benign and gentle in most of her incarnations, with a wave of her hand she can age or wither any who have wronged her faithful children. Her symbol is a shield bearing a cornucopia, representing her dual roles as Provider and Protector.   Avatar: Yondalla appears as a proud, vibrantly attractive halfling with long golden hair, a skirt of forest green, and a stout wooden shield.  

Intermediate Powers

Sheela Peryroyl

The goddess of agriculture, nature, and weather, the image of Sheela is often mixed, almost interchangeably, with Yondalla herself; some hold that Sheela and Yondalla are different aspects of the same goddess. Just as concerned with preserving wilderness as tilling fields, she guards the balance between the two. Sheela is also held responsible for feasting and celebration and, perhaps most importantly, romance; her major festivals are held at harvest time.   Avatar: Appearing as a pretty young halfling maiden with brilliant flowers in her hair, Sheela is usually laughing and just generally delighted by life. Though she appears naive, even simple, she can wield great powers of nature magic.  


This goddess is the overseer of many of the mundane and day-to-day aspects of halfling life, chiefly concerned with the burrow and the hearth; again, some believe her to be a persona of Yondalla rather than a separate entity. Friendship among her worshippers is considered the highest praise one can raise to her name; she is most displeased with those who fail to display proper hospitality and good fellowship.   Avatar: Cyrrollalee often takes the form of a stooped halfling of indeterminate years, worn by poverty and work into a frail shell. In this guise, she often visits halfling burrows to see if the inhabitants are truly hospitable; woe to the family that turns her away!  

Arvoreen the Defender

A god of stern defense and aggressive watchfulness, Arvoreen is the patron of watchful diligence, not war. He is more serious than the typical halfling (or halfling deity) and serves as a reminder that the safety they currently enjoy was hard-won and can be easily lost.   Avatar: Arvoreen appears as a handsome young halfling warrior, muscular of build and generally very lightly clothed. He commonly carries a short sword and often a gleaming metal shield.  

Lesser Powers


This is the god of adventure (and misadventure), a favorite among halfling adventurers (especially thieves). He has a bawdy sense of humor and little sense of propriety. Brandobaris is always ready with a joke or a jug, yet he is such a friendly rapscallion that he rarely makes an enemy. He is a good friend of Garl Glittergold and Baervan Wildwanderer.   Avatar: In avatar form Brandobaris appears as a plump and jolly halfling. He's always very well-dressed and ready with a smart reply to any attempt at conversation.  


Yondalla's Children.jpg
The halfling gods: Yondalla's Children