Human Pantheon

The Human gods of the Flanaess are vast and varied, much like the people who believe in them. As most human groups in the Flanaess are long-since mixed, so are their gods, and often settlements will contain temples and shrines to a variety of deities regardless of their pantheon of origin.   Dating back to the Great Migration of human races to the Flanaess a millennia ago, the human pantheon is a blend of gods of Baklunish, Oeridian, Flan, and Suel origin, along with a number of gods considered "common" because they are prevelant in most areas regardless of their history of ethnic settlement. At their core the Suel gods tend to be elemental in nature, the Oeridians worship gods of travel and the sky, and the Baklunish worship a mixture of mystical and pragmatic deities, coming together to form what is a diverse and vast pantheon of gods.  

Greater Powers


Intermediate Powers

Ehlonna: Neutral Good goddess of the forests and fertility

St. Cuthbert: Lawful Good god of common sense, truth, and discipline  

Lesser Powers

