Star Valera Astronomy Building Building / Landmark in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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Star Valera Astronomy Building

Once an operating theatre, this dome-topped building is now where students and fully-fledged mages alike go to study the stars

Purpose / Function

The Star Valera Building's original purpose was as an operating theatre, where doctors would show off new surgical techniques to their peers or to display the latest discoveries in a being's anatomy. The round shape of the building allowed all observers equal viewing opportunity.   In the last two hundred years, the building was put out of use for surgical procedures following the addition of a dedicated medical wing and complaints that the gruesome nature of the building ruined the other students' enjoyment of the inner courtyard. After some renovations, and a very thorough cleaning, the building was re-anointed as the Astronomy Building.


After being decommissioned as an operating theatre, the Star Valera Building underwent major renovations. The roof was removed and replaced with a crystal-glass dome to allow unobstructed views of the night sky and the wooden seating that was previously attached to the floor was torn up to allow for a large, flat surface on which to place lounging chairs for students to recline on while receiving their lessons.   As for less major changes, the formerly barren walls have been painted with murals depicting some of the major constellations and myths associated with them. On the wall furthest from the door, the wall has been made flat so as to house a large chalkboard, and bookshelves have been custom made to fit the circular room to provide storage for textbooks and star charts.


The building itself was constructed in a hybrid style, combining those of the great cathedral at the centre of the city and of the university's main buildings. It features stone walls that have been plastered in the interior. White stone protrusions from the main facade provide some visual interest to the exterior. The door that serves as the building's entrance sits within an arched stone frame.   Within the building, there is a small stairway behind the chalkboard wall that leads down to a small underground room that currently acts as the professor's office. The domed crystal-glass roof is supported by thin mithril framing in order to allow an unobstructed view of the sky above.
Alternative Names
Old Operating Theatre
Observatory / Telescope
Owning Organization

Cover image: Aberystwyth Old University Building by Eos12


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