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Damn if you do, damn if you don't Report

Missions/Quests Completed

The Return to Oerth

  • our characters return from Neverland after Peter Pan performs a returning ceremony
  • as with much planar traveling magic accuracy isn't exact and the party lands between the Versuri (Jaana/Freyas) homestead and the town of Helix
  • the characters head towards town which is eerily quite

Crazy is a Crazy Does

  • In town the characters question the local village idiot Alaster the Village Idiot
  • in his lunacy he confuses the halfling Bruce and Django as the children of Irja Vesuri (Jaana and Freyas mother) and tells them that their mother has been desperately looking for them (she went to deliver food in her barn and discovered the PCs missing - secretly gone to Neverland)
  • He also lets the PCs know that everyone else is on the boar hunt
  • of his muttering and ramblings Alaster keeps bringing up that "the clouds are watching"

Hair of the Dog at the Brazen Trumpet

  • deciding to wait for the adults to return our heroes decide to relax at one of Helixes two bars the Brazen Trumpet
  • slowly hunting parties return from the boar hunt - finally the Helix Hellions show up with carcusses of the foul creatures
  • they begin to berate the PCs for shirking their duty to help
  • the PCs lap it up and in fact congratulate the Hellions
  • more people return several reiterating that Jaana/Freya mother was worried and said she should be here awaiting news of the PCs whereabouts

The Scene of the Crime

  • worried that Irja Vesuri isn't part of the hunting parties the PCs decide to head off to her farmstead
  • as they passed the site of the broken down and mud stuck wagon from the night before they investigate
  • the PCs apprehension at helping the wagoneers was proven wise as upon investigation it appears a scuffle had taken place after they pass by
  • among signs of struggle as piece of jewelry belonging to Irja is found in the mud

The Game is A Foot

  • realizing from studding impressions in the mud the PCs realize the wagon was never really stuck as it had extriicated itself easily
  • the character begin to track the wagons progress along the North Road
  • a few miles of travel reveals the wagon veered off the road and begin travelling cross country towards the coast
  • then it would appear that a few passengers disembarked a split up from where the wagon was travelling
  • the PCs decide to keep following the wagon

Lakeside Cottage

  • the trail ended at the shores of the Nyr Dyrv (the bottomless lake bigger than any of the real world great lakes)
  • through some scouting of Den Withertongue it established that several orcs and captured citizenry occupy a lake side cabin
  • Django Dill comes up with a plan to cause a distraction to lure out the orcs - its partially successful
  • as the battle is enjoined an aquatic drake rises from the water the leader of the orc band
  • the suppressing magic of Yvaine and Django severely hampers the orcs while Jepab is separated from his companions facing the drake in melee
  • ranged attacks by gun and bow (Jaana and Den) whittle away both the orcs and drake but the enemies also inflict their own damage
  • nearing his last breath Pejab manages to strike the final fatal blow against the drake

The Stand-off

  • the last orc remaining takes Irja hostage and slowly tries to make it to a rowboat on the shore
  • failing to convince the humanoid to surrender Jaana takes him out with a well placed pistol shot "no one threaten mamma!!"

Race Against Time

  • doubtful put possible for the PCs to make it for the tithing ceremony they head back towards Helix
  • a lucky random encounter has them encounter soldiers from Hawkmoor Keep (domain of Annie's father) who escort the PCs back to the keep
  • after some fraughtful waiting Annie's father emerges and directs the PCs to Hawkmoors wizard who teleports the group to Helix - just in time to make the tithing ceremony

Suspicious Offering

  • the characters get decked out with their tithing regalia and head into the Cairn Hills to meet Ossithrax and his Kobold minions for the tithing
  • they arrive at an alter located on the precipice of a ravine where the dragons minions demand the giving of the tithe
  • this is extremely questionable as protocol has the tithe being directly given to the dragon who is now missing
  • parleying with the minions is fruitless with their leader a Black Abishai (dragon devil/angel) demanding the tithe be given
  • the PCs relent and the two groups part ways - the PCs seeing no reason to start hostilities
  • it is revealed that a dozen or so Kobolds were hiding in the foliage - another breaking of tradition

Gimme Your Lunch Money

  • on the way back to Helix the group comes across the Hellions who have taken issue with the PCs lack of duty (not realizing what the PCs have been going through)
  • they demand the scroll with the contract of peace between Ossithrax and Helix garnered at the tithe
  • a non-lethal combat breaks out between Ottioc, Enka and Sehtrim
  • despite Ottioc withcraft, Enka's combat prowess and the tactical planning of the Sehtrim the PCs emerge victorious
Domains of Greyhawk
Bruce Pendrell
Gordon Lyle
-Level Barbarian 1
Jaana Versuri
Annie Gedjorgan
Report Date
01 May 2023
Primary Location


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