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Helix Tithing - Coming of Age Ceremony


Though the age of 16 was always celebrated as a time "of coming of age", two decades ago a new element was added to the tradition: The Tithing to Ossithrax the dragon.

As the intrusions of treasure seekers in the Cairn Hills drastically increase, it was only a matter of time before someone would disturb the great Dragon. The mighty beast took flight and destroyed much farm land with his acidic breath weapon; which only in the last decade has begun to return.

A hue and cry went up among the citizenry of the Helix valley. The local Lord Kell Ironguard rallied troops to confront the dragon. In battle they were at a stand-off but much more damage was done to the fertile valley.

As a compromise the dragon proposed an annual tithe and a promise for the Domain of Greyhawk to forbid any further exploration of the cairns within the hills that bare that name. Seeing that this would save the fertile area of Greyhawk, Lord Ironguard acquiesced.

Ossithrax had one more condition: the tithe must be delivered by children who have just come of age (age 16) - this in no doubt to cut down that "dragonslayers" would be among the tithe bearers.

The last few years have seen a change - kobolds who worship Ossithrax have been collecting the tithe and not the dragon himself.   Lord Ironguard, is considering risking the treaty in order to see if the dragon is still alive/around.


The Tithing ceremony begins at Elara's Orphanage which lies at the border of the Helix valley and the rest of the Domain of Greyhawk.   Here, family members bring praise and encouragement for the youth who about to make the journing to the tithing alter.

From the oprhanage the celebrants travel the Helix Road to the town which bares the same name to pick up their portion of the tithe (which is collected from the locals) then they move to the town of Barlox where they pick up the remainder of the tithe.  From there they take the little used path to the Tithing Alter located deep in the Cairn Hill; located just at the edge Ossithrax's territory.

Once at the alter the dragon Ossithrax takes the tithe in exchange for a scroll with a written agreement that for another year he will not venture into human lands as long as the cairns are left undisturbed.


Participants of the ceremony are chose one year before the actual celebration. Groups of students at the orphanage vie for the honour of being the tithe bearers.  The offical regalia handed to the new tithe bearers by the previous years winners.

Once selected the tithe bearers are required to make a practice run to the tithing alter.


The Coming of Age/Tithing ceremony occurs just after harvest season.
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