Jepab Testof Character in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Jepab Testof

The Testof clan is one in exile. Originally hailing from the dwarven stronghold of GREYSMERE, the Testofs broke with tradition by foraying into the the Valley of the the Barrowmaze. Their mission: to retrieve an item of great Dwarven signifcance buried somewhere with multitude of cairns in the area.   The warband fell to the Ossithrax the ancient black dragon who, forbade entrance into the valley. Not only did the mighty serpent slay the majority of dwarves, he set about to punish the entire area around the burial grounds. A reminder of what happens when one breaks a pact with a dragon.   The exact specifics of the folly is all but unknown out of the two survivor Jepab and his sister Enka (see the Helix Hellions), only the later was privy to the fatal battle. Jepab was assigned to look after the mounts and stay as a rearguard.   To add insult to injury, King Fionor exiled clan Testof from Greysmere. Never to return until Ossithrax is vanquished. As a result the fallen Testofs have scattered through the Domain of Greyhawk. In Helix, Karg Barrelgut settled as smith. As a vow to their dying parents he took brother and sister Enka and Jejab as his own children.
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