
Neo was initially named Trivia Vanille and was brought up by the Vanilla family, formally an influential SDC-friendly Noble family in Vale. She has two disorders, Heterochromia Iridum which gave her dual-coloured eyes at birth and Mutism, she could not speak as her voice box improperly developed. Her Family which was solely interested in appearances over a healthy child endlessly shamed and criticized her for her condition. She didn't understand at the time as she could not properly hear either meaning she was incapable of communication for the earliest years of her life until her Father, Jimothy Vanille unethically cybernetically enhanced her with Advanced hearing aids and a speech box.    The process was painful and traumatized her as a child, from then on she was forced to play the part of a normal daughter until she was 13 when she experienced an understandable psychotic break and burned her house down. This was related to the development of her semblance and the subsequent and highly unethical domestic imprisonment just a year prior. Thanks to her mother's connections to Crime, Lil Miss Malachite was associated with breaking Neo out but not because she cared but because she was swiftly becoming a good partner for Roman Torchwick and she believed she could make a lot of money by uniting these two as partners of crime.   After getting into crime, she and Roman became infamous thieves but soon bit off more than they could chew resulting in Neo getting kidnapped by a Minor Tech gang named the Tracers and getting her cyber voice box ripped out. Roman managed to save her before they got any further but Neo refused to get a new voice box, not wanting to conform to the expectations of her family.   Despite her disturbing upbringing she spent the next few years developing a sense of rationality and empathy becoming the voice of reason for Roman, restraining his worst violent tendencies and helping him become the infamous Underboss of the Torchwick Syndicate. Her big source of divergence from the Neo portrayed in the Show is the fate of her mother. After nearly being burned alive, Caramel Vanille had a huge shift in personality and attitude.   After Jimothy nearly pulled the plug on her life support, Neo killed him and then told her mother that she is done with this family and to never talk to her again. Still, Caramel's med bills had to be paid and neo's criminal support of the bills led to her eventually talking to Caramel more than once. Deciding that she'd not become Cruel and Manipulative like her parents which put her in increasing discord with Roman, most of which occurred during Volumes 1-3.   While she still displayed a clear streak of cruelty to those she believes deserving, she also showed compassion to Ruby, getting upset when Roman kept beating of the young 15-year-old girl. She also later lost her mother before the Fall of Beacon due to medical complications leading her to grieve and begin to empathise with many people in Beacon. Eventually aiding Ruby during the Battle as she had already lost Roman and held great animosity toward Cinder for what she perceives as a betrayal.   After Volume 3, she ran the Torchwick Syndicate as an Anarchist rebel group against Atlas, committing a series of more robberies before the Syndicate was disbanded sometime before the Battle of Haven, with most of the members either dying or leaving the group. She eventually found Cinder after Haven tries to avenge Roman but soon realises Salem is to Blame and subsequently gets Betrayed by Lil Miss Malachite forcing Cinder to kill Malachite and leading them to escape authorities.    The rest of her tale will need to be read.  

Personality & Ideology

Neo is a troubled person, suffering from childhood abuse and subsequent trauma from losing her Mother and then Roman soon after each other which led to her becoming pretty hungry for vengeance. Despite that, it hasn't dulled her hard-fought-for sense of empathy and kindness, still able to befriend others and form long-lasting connections. Because she's mute she's grown accustomed to the exaggerated physical expressions of emotion she's famous for.   She is often described as highly versatile and diverse as a person, using many forms of sign language, text communication and Soundboards to communicate a wide array of things. Bigots often underestimate her as stupid because she can't speak but understand complex concepts and political realities, leading to her anarchist views outside of her own personal grievances with the system.   She can still be cruel and excessive to those who wrong her, experiencing a clear problem with vindicative tendencies and while she's open to dropping Vendettas it often takes extreme stimuli or cunning speech to dissuade her wrath. She also has a deep need for validation which during her time as an antagonist manifested in the worst ways, committing terrible crimes just to make Roman happy even if she started to grow out of that habit.   In the current day, it just means she's hyper-clingy and always looks for approval due to her lack of connections in the past and the many betrayals she's experienced. She also suffers from a mildly undeveloped sense of Empathy, though it has a far cry from where she started, she often acts insensitively or ignores other people's problems for her own leading to mistakes or accidental mistreatment of those she likes.   Calling her a recovering Sociopath is not exactly inaccurate.  


What you might be interested to hear is that Neo since sometime before Vol 1 is actually Good aligned if not incredibly chaotic. Despite her being on the antagonist's side and helping Cinder throughout the first 3 Volumes. She's done it as a morally good person, though she has issues with empathy, when she does realise suffering she does alleviate it, separating the Innocent from the Guilty in ways Roman was never really interested in doing.    She often pulls her punches when she sees it as unnecessary, only killing if it makes her or someone she's with safer in doing so. She's all about targeted harm, much like her fighting style she prefers to punch up and instead of down. This is due to her personal Anarchist ideology that she maintains even while switching to the Protagonist side. She also detests those that force others to suppress themselves.   Many of the more justified members of the Syndicate were people Neo empowered and supported through their struggles. Her aid of those like her is part of what drove her to the path of Benevolence over the Malevolence she learnt as a child.  

Abilities and Equipment

Neo has a wide variety of equipment, she often wears stylish clothes that are often disguised as Semi Civilian Wear Hunter gear. She often has weighted heels that increase the impact of her kicks and give her much-needed weight in order to counteract heavier opponents and maintain a good standing even though she is short and small. Other than that she has pretty much light equipment and depends on quick movement, her agile and flexible build gives her the ability to evade like no one else and then deliver devastating kicks with her weighted boots.  


Mirage   Mirage or hyperactive Imagination is what is known as an Alteration or Abstract Type Semblance that allows her to bend the light people see and create images of stuff that is not there. She can change any feature on her body to an imaginary version. The interesting part of this semblance is that it also changes the physical dimensions of the object or person she's masking. She can turn a Mistral Airship into an Atlas Manta to make it easier to bypass enemy fleets for example.   She can also create illusionary walls that mask retreats so the enemy attacks the decoy rather than the fleeing party she's covering for. She also has another ability with her semblance which is High Aura Cost and that is Pink Shift, a reference to blue shifting or red shifting of light. Neo can quickly shift herself out of danger but rarely does so as it often cripples her aura levels, meaning when she used it to avoid Raven, she seriously did not want to fight her.  


Neo's main weapon is Hush, otherwise known as Parasol. It's a seemingly harmless Parasol, it's actually a weapon complete with a Needle blade that slides into the stick and is grabbed out via the release latch and pulling of the handle. The Parasol is made of hyperactive Weave, super black market stuff made with ballistic weave and Grimm essence that gives it odd properties of regeneration and high durability.   The Material also disperses force allowing for Neo to use hush as a shield which she often does. The Stalk is made out of hard absorptive wood with a really heavy weighed sheet wrapped around behind the wood that gives the Parasol extract force, in order to ensure balance, the hood is also weighted making sure that not only does Hush have some heft to it's punch but also is a well-balanced weapon that helps her do all the crazy moves she does.  

Fighting Style

Calling Neo a troll is a bit of an understatement, she learns her opponents well and uses their weaknesses to deconstruct them and overwhelm them. She moves quickly and doesn't hesitate when it comes to killing. This makes her an extremely lethal assassin and one of Malachite's best assets when it came to downing problematic figures. Neo uses every weapon in her arsenal and has a creative use of the environment.   She'll keep you running in circles forever if you let her and by the time you're done, you're dead. She is professional as hell and will complete objectives ruthlessly, ensuring the minimum required of fighting is conducted with as little risk as possible. She's clean, she's fast and often disappears. if not for malachite's betrayal, it's likely the authorities would still not know who she is.    Most people when they square up to Neo try to use their height to intimidate her, however, this is an outright death sentence because Neo is well adapted to defeating opponents with higher sizes and heavier weight profiles. Everything in her outfit and equipment is all about force absorption meaning that when she hits you, you're exhausted and likely in the middle of a combo of attacks.    This is why Neo seems invincible, she has a clever use of tactics and everyone underestimates her because she's small and cute, but as cute as she may be, she is Lethal in equal measure.
Torchwick Syndicate (Formally)
RNJR (Currently, Post Vol 6)
Chaotic Good
Current Status
21 (Vol 1-3) 23 (Vol 6)
Mildly Androgynous
Pink and Brown
Pink and faint brown long hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
After opening up to others, Neo eventually found new friends through Cinder both on the Antagonist and Protagonist Sides. She prefers to keep close to trust worthy people and really values tender care and appreciation for obvious reasons. The key for Neo liking you is pretty much acceptance of who she is and her disabilities or as she likes to call them 'Her Enhanced Features'.
Despite not being the best of people, Roman Torchwick was the first person to accept her for all of her flaws and see her for who she is. He helped her find herself even if he didn't agree with everything she turned into. Roman took her in when no one else would and with his loss. She can only grieve, even though she eventually outgrows her place by his side, she will always look fondly back at him no matter what anyone says.
She learned a lot of skills in her partnership with Roman and became one of the best thieves and assassins in the world, topping some of the best fighters around and not sticking around for recognition. A lot of poor people in Vale also see her as a neighbourhood hero, helping them out when no one else would. Despite her role in Beacon's downfall, some could not blame her while others shame her but Neo would always maintain that Vale needed to be humbled all the same, even if she didn't entirely agree with the method.


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