Professor Ozpin

Flawed Guardian of Remnant

Professor | Headmaster | Councilor of Education (a.k.a. Oz)

Ozpin is one of Ozma's reincarnations and one that had to oversee the extremely difficult era after the prior Reincarnation's death in 18 AGW. Ozpin has experienced countless betrayals and had to navigate the constantly worsening political situation long before Ruby ever took up her scythe. Dealing with near wars, civil war and avoiding dust mega bomb holocaust multiple times. Ozpin's list of friends only grew smaller and the list of tough decisions he had to make only grew.   Not only with Summer, but with Gretchen and General Ironwood. Many criticize him for his policies of Secrecy about the maidens and about the Grimm, and the shunning of countries like menagerie and Whitecliffe. The failure to handle the White Fang Situation and finally his greatest failure in stopping the Fall of Beacon. Under his watch, Mistral has withered further and further into dust with Vacuo left in the dust, a country integral to his previous Incarnation's victory.   This is because Ozpin is a long-term thinker and tried to make decisions for the benefit of everyone, siding with Atlas because Atlas had the best chance of defending against the Grimm, introducing Ironwood into his circle and working with him to try to defend the rapidly decaying peace worldwide and did succeed in many instances. The biggest critique people like Cinder have for him is his refusal to tell Hunters what they're defending against and what they're being put in front of.   Feeding ignorant fighters to the meat grinder to protect a secret for the greater good. Ozpin is deeply concerned with stopping another Great War for his entire life as the Greater War broke him in a prior life.  He also made great strides in furthering Faunus rights and promoting liberty within Vale with mixed results in the end. keenly his problem with a lack of trust and truthfulness. Often letting people draw their own conclusions rather than scarring them with the truth.   After the Fall of Beacon, Ozpin experiences a crisis of Faith, lacking any real plan and taking on more moral compromises than anyone could deem necessary, putting oscar's life at risk as well as the rest of the team. By Volume 6, he finally gives in and abandons everyone in their greatest time of need. This makes Ozpin the furthest any reincarnation has gotten from the core personality of Ozma.   Though understandable, Ozpin's failures are a key ingredient to the dire situation people find themselves in.  


Despite the Aloof nature of Ozpin, he actually shared a lot of extremely positive relationships with Glynda Goodwitch, General James Ironwood, Leonardo Lionheart and Theo, Headmaster of Shade Academy. He also had an immensely positive relationship with Summer and Qrow with a more icy one with Raven and Taiyang. He is quirky and goofy and can make a good laugh while also being very insightful and understanding.   He has trust issues which only worsened with time, making people have faith in him rather than believing in him because they know for sure. As headmaster, he was responsible for the most part and was very attentive to issues. Helping students solve their own problems as seen with Ruby Rose during her minor Crisis of Faith in Volume 1. Ozpin is very much basing his choices and morality off the Greater Good.   This is because of his many experiences in his prior lives which have made him more like Salem than he'd ever like to admit. He is still dedicated to his mission but can't see how much of a hindrance he's become for his own mission and nor can he accept the contributions made by others. Discrediting them and seeing them more as well-meaning children rather than responsible adults making their own decisions.   This is why despite the clearly responsible moves made by Alonso Snowfall of Whitecliffe, he chose Ironwood over him because he sees Alonso as too naive. Because of this, others who were not aligned with him and who were also trying to do good ended up fighting against him more often than not. He is also extremely cautious, always trying to weigh every decision, making critiques see him as Slow or indecisive. For Instance, Blake Belladonna understands he means well but sees him as catering too much to the worse sorts of people, just to avoid what he sees as unnecessary conflict.   His over-dependence on pacifism led to a falling out with Ironwood which resulted in horrific discord within his own Circle that blinded them all to the growing threat presented by Cinder. Even though Ozpin knew about Cinder towards the end, his own arrogance blinded him and his prior decisions made it impossible for him to reach out to Cinder. Even after awakening inside Oscar's soul, this arrogance would persist up until Volume 6.   The Betrayal of Lionheart also crippled Ozpin's moral stability, exaggerating all of his worse tendencies to a toxic extent.
Left Leaning Liberal
Neutral Good (Pre Vol 1 -Vol 3)
True Neutral (Post Vol 3)
Neutral Good (Post Vol 7)
Date of Birth
1st of November, 18 AGW
Date of Death
79 AGW
18 AGW 79 AGW 61 years old
White Scruffy style
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Light Follower
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ozpin wasn't just Qrow's boss but a close friend, Qrow was given a purpose outside of just raiding thanks to oz and it was Oz that gave them the opportunity for Qrow to gain all of his precious memory, namely of Summer most of all. Qrow since has always worked as Ozpin's most reliable friend outside of Glynda and his main agent. Ozpin was still distrusting of Qrow as it turns out because he didn't let Qrow in on many essential details that would have altered a lot of Qrow's decisions and gotten results Ozpin didn't desire.   Ozpin regrets this cruel manipulation but he still did it.  
Glynda was one of his closest confidants and a Ex from his younger life, though they don't share any romantic bond now, they did share a bond of deep friendship and helped each other out of a lot of binds. With Ozpin seemingly coming through for her, yet despite this deep friendship. Ozpin didn't tell her many essential details and failed to come through in the end. Leaving Glynda as the sole and distraught headw


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