Eschen Military

At the heart of The Brilliant Empire's success is its large and talented armed forces. Though separated into divisions based on specialty, the ranks within those divisions are the same. Smaller units of each division are deployed together as needed to create cohesive forces. Though there is a conscription process, the military is a good career that can advance an Eschen citizen in wealth as well as social prestige, and so it isn't usually necessary. The head of the Eschen Military is the Emperor or Empress, though whether that is in name or truth depends on the qualifications and interest of the individual.  


The Eschen Army division includes all ground-based combat troops such as cavalry, infantry, scouts, ect. It is the largest of the military divisions.   Navy
The Eschen Navy division encompasses the Empire's ship-based troops. The Navy is the second-largest of the military divisions, and has the highest number of foreign-recruited troops.   Guard
The Eschen Guard are the forces primarily responsible for the domestic matters of the Empire. The exception is the units specifically assigned to guard the Imperial Family, who travel with those they are assigned to protect.   Intelligence
The smallest branch of the Eschen military by far is the Intelligence branch - or so everyone supposes, though it is widely assumed that there are plenty of people in the intelligence branch nobody actually knows about, so maybe it isn't...

The Eschen Military


The Brilliant Empire


Fear no pain, fear no challenge, fear no death.



Training Levels





Recruitment, Enlistment, and Release

Almost all members of the Eschen military are volunteers. It is a good career; soldiers are paid an excellent wage during their time of service and retirement on a sliding scale based on years of service. In addition to being a good job, soldiers have the opportunity to advance socially in a way not accesible to most citizens.

In case of great military need, there are processes in place for the conscriptment of able-bodied adults. The first to be conscripted are those between the ages of 20 and 40 who have non-essential jobs and are not the primary caregivers or breadwinners for their families. Conscription in the Empire has never proceeded past that point, but laws are in place to escalate as needed with the least amount of impact to the running of the Empire. The other time when the Empire is known to conscript is to help speed along the intregration of a newly absorbed or conquered people; in those cases, they have been known to conscript the majority percentage of a nation's 20 to 25 year old young adults for an abbreviated enlistment period of 15 years; by the end of that period the absorbed nation's youth are fairly well assimilated, and that trickles down into the rest of the population.   Enlistment
Membership in the Eschen military is a career, with a minimum enlistment period of 25 years. After the first 25 years, recommitment terms are in periods of ten years (35, 45, 55 years) and thereafter in periods of five years as desired as long as the individual is still fit to serve. A soldier can enlist without restrictions at age 20, or into a cadet program as early as 15.   Release and Retirement
Soldiers in the Eschen military can retire at the end of any enlistment period, and are eligible to receive a pension for the rest of their lives. Pensions vary depending on years of service and rank acquired. Those who are injured are usually reassigned to a new task within the ranks and at the end of their service still entitled to a pension as due the highest rank they held. If suitable lighter-duty work cannot be found, a soldier is allowed a medical retirement at their current pension with no penalty.

Generally, there is no early release from enlistment. Defectors, when caught, are imprisoned for up to twice the time they would have had remaining in their contract and are not eligible for a pension. Exceptions can be made, but are rare. Reasons for an exception might be cases where a soldier can make a case for their presence being needed long term at home (i.e. if one's parents were to pass away and leave behind younger siblings who needed care, or a spouse were to pass away and leave children, and no one else was available to take over the duties). Those who are released early receive the corresponding pension of the last service milestone they reached.

Soldiers can, however, be forcibly released if they fail to maintain the standards of their company. Soldiers who fail to meet the standards of an elite unit are usually offered a position with a standard unit to finish their enlistment period. Soldiers who fail to meet the standards of a standard unit are discharged from the military entirely; if they otherwise served honorably and without incident, those discharged are eligible to receive the corresponding pension of the last service milestone they reached as long as it was at least 25 years (minimum service). Those released before 25 years are given a modest sum to ensure they land on their feet but do not receive a pension.


While a certain amount of country pride exists amongst most of the Eschen troops, most of the bonds are more centered around loyalty to one's officers and those who serve immediately alongside you. These strong bonds are encouraged and cultivated; movement among troops to separate groups is minimized and group rewards and punishments are common.

War crimes and other assorted cruelties are uncommon and harshly discouraged. They may believe they are in the right to conquer other countries and cultures and gently force them to assimilate into Empire life, but they do so through state-sponsored programs and enforcements, and civilities and proper treatment of non-fighters and conquered fighters is paramount.



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