Doctrine of the Academy of Thorn'Adan Document in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Doctrine of the Academy of Thorn'Adan


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
The Academy of Thorn'Adan was established to create a premier institution for the study and mastery of magic. The initial focus was on the foundational schools of Abjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, and Transmutation. These disciplines were chosen for their fundamental importance to the practice of magic and their widespread applications in both practical and theoretical realms.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
The primary goal of this amendment was to expand the Academy’s curriculum to include the study of Illusion and Enchantment magic. These schools were introduced to address the growing interest and demand for these disciplines among students and faculty. Illusion magic, with its ability to manipulate perception and create convincing illusions, and Enchantment magic, which focuses on influencing and controlling the minds of others, were seen as essential additions to a well-rounded magical education.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
The primary goal of this amendment was to incorporate Conjuration into the Academy’s curriculum, addressing the growing interest in summoning and teleportation magic. Conjuration was seen as essential for expanding the practical applications of magic, enabling students to summon creatures, objects, and even teleport themselves and others. The inclusion of Conjuration aimed to provide a comprehensive education in these advanced magical techniques.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
The primary goal of this amendment was to expand the Academy’s curriculum to include Divination magic, reflecting the growing interest in prophecy, scrying, and future-telling. Divination was recognized for its potential to provide insights into future events, uncover hidden truths, and offer guidance, making it an essential addition to a comprehensive magical education.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
The primary goal of this emergency amendment was to address the immediate and pressing concerns surrounding the practice of Necromancy at the Academy. Due to unethical practices, misuse of necromantic magic, and the significant threat posed by Ryo "Kardun" Nexus during the Arcaninum Skirmish, it was deemed necessary to remove Necromancy from the curriculum to protect students, faculty, and the wider community.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
The goal of this amendment was to incorporate the emerging disciplines of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy into the Academy’s curriculum. These schools of magic were recognized for their unique potential to expand the boundaries of magical knowledge and practice. Ancestral Magic involved communing with and harnessing the power of ancestral spirits, Chronomancy focused on manipulating time, and Graviturgy dealt with controlling gravitational forces. The inclusion aimed to provide a comprehensive education that reflected the latest advancements in magical theory.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
The primary goal of this amendment was to reestablish the Academy with a comprehensive curriculum that included all recognized schools of magic. This amendment aimed to provide a holistic and advanced magical education, encompassing the full spectrum of magical disciplines: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation, Ancestral, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy. The inclusion of these disciplines was seen as essential for preparing students to tackle the diverse challenges of the magical world.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
The primary goal of this amendment was to introduce a dedicated research program focused on Aberrations and Eldritch Entities. This field of study aimed to understand and counteract the threats posed by these powerful and often malevolent beings, as well as to explore their connections to Psionic Powers. The inclusion of this research program was essential for preparing students and faculty to defend against and mitigate the influence of aberrant and eldritch forces.

Document Structure


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
Educational Foundation: Establishes the Academy as a center for magical learning, dedicated to training wizards in the core principles and ethical use of magic.
Curriculum: The curriculum is structured around the four foundational schools of magic, ensuring a comprehensive education in these disciplines.
Faculty Requirements: Mandates the appointment of Grandmasters for each of the four schools, ensuring that students receive instruction from the most knowledgeable and experienced practitioners.
Student Code of Conduct: Outlines the behavioral and academic expectations for students, promoting a culture of integrity, respect, and scholarly excellence.
Annual Reviews: Establishes the requirement for annual curriculum reviews and updates to keep pace with advancements in magical theory and practice.
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
Curriculum Expansion: This clause officially adds Illusion and Enchantment to the Academy’s curriculum, ensuring comprehensive coverage of these magical arts. It outlines the scope and content of the new courses to be introduced.
Faculty Requirement: Requires the appointment of Grandmasters for Illusion and Enchantment. These Grandmasters are tasked with developing and teaching the new courses, ensuring high educational standards and maintaining the integrity of the Academy’s academic programs.
Student Enrollment: Expands the enrollment cap to accommodate the increased demand for these new courses. This clause ensures that the Academy can effectively manage the growing number of students interested in these disciplines.
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
Curriculum Addition: This clause officially adds Conjuration as an official school of study, ensuring that students can learn and master the art of summoning and teleportation. The curriculum includes courses on the theory and practice of Conjuration, covering a wide range of spells and techniques.
Faculty Requirement: Requires the appointment of a Grandmaster for Conjuration to oversee the new courses and maintain high educational standards. The Grandmaster is responsible for developing the curriculum, teaching classes, and mentoring students in the art of Conjuration.
Summoning Guidelines: Establishes regulations on the safe and ethical summoning of entities, including restrictions on dangerous or malevolent creatures. These guidelines ensure that students and faculty use Conjuration magic responsibly and safely, minimizing risks to themselves and others.
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
Curriculum Addition: This clause officially adds Divination as a recognized school of study at the Academy. It includes courses on scrying, prophecy, interpreting omens, and other divinatory practices. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of Divination magic, its applications, and limitations.
Faculty Requirement: Requires the appointment of a Grandmaster for Divination to develop and oversee the new courses. The Grandmaster is responsible for teaching, mentoring students, and advancing the study of Divination within the Academy.
Ethical Use: Emphasizes the responsible and ethical use of Divination to prevent misuse and ensure accuracy. This clause outlines the principles of ethical practice in Divination, including honesty, respect for privacy, and avoiding harm.
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
Immediate Suspension: This clause mandates the immediate suspension of all Necromancy courses and practices within the Academy. It includes a detailed plan for the safe and orderly cessation of necromantic activities.
Faculty Reassignment: Requires the reassignment or removal of faculty members specializing in Necromancy. This clause outlines procedures for transferring their responsibilities to other disciplines or terminating their employment if necessary.
Student Transition: Provides guidelines for transitioning students specializing in Necromancy to other magical disciplines. This clause ensures that affected students receive support and guidance to continue their education without significant disruption.
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
Curriculum Addition: This clause proposed adding Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy as official schools of study. It included detailed plans for developing and integrating these disciplines into the existing curriculum.
Faculty Requirements: Required the appointment of Grandmasters for each of the new disciplines. These Grandmasters would be responsible for curriculum development, teaching, and research.
Ethical Guidelines: Proposed comprehensive guidelines for the ethical practice of these new disciplines, addressing concerns about safety and potential misuse.
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
Curriculum Overhaul: This clause formalizes the inclusion of all recognized schools of magic, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive and well-rounded education. The curriculum is designed to cover theoretical knowledge, practical applications, and ethical considerations for each discipline.
Faculty Expansion: Mandates the appointment of new Grandmasters for each school of magic, ensuring expert instruction and guidance. These Grandmasters are responsible for developing the curriculum, teaching courses, and advancing research in their respective fields.
Ethical Guidelines: Updates and expands ethical guidelines to cover all disciplines, emphasizing responsible and ethical practice. This clause includes detailed ethical standards for each school of magic, ensuring that students and faculty adhere to high moral principles.
Student Safety: Implements enhanced safety protocols and support services to protect students and faculty. This clause outlines procedures for managing risks associated with powerful and potentially dangerous magical practices.
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
Curriculum Addition: This clause formalizes the introduction of courses and research opportunities related to Aberrations and Eldritch Entities. The curriculum includes theoretical studies, practical exercises, and field research aimed at understanding these entities and their powers.
Research Facilities: Establishes dedicated facilities and resources for the study of Aberrations and Eldritch Entities. These facilities include laboratories, containment units, and specialized equipment for safely conducting research.
Faculty Requirement: Requires the appointment of a key researcher to lead the program. This researcher is responsible for developing the curriculum, overseeing research projects, and mentoring students and faculty involved in this field.


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
Expansion Clause: Allows for future amendments to include additional schools of magic, provided they are ratified by the Arcane Summit.
Ethical Use of Magic: Emphasizes the ethical use of magic, particularly in the study and practice of Necromancy, to prevent abuse and maintain the Academy’s reputation.
Limited Enrollment: Initial enrollment is capped to ensure a high quality of education and adequate resources for all students.
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
Illusion Ethics: Introduces guidelines for the ethical use of illusion magic, particularly in avoiding deception and harm. This clause emphasizes the responsibility of students and faculty to use their powers in ways that are beneficial and not misleading or harmful to others.
Enchantment Restrictions: Establishes restrictions on using enchantment for coercion or manipulation, promoting responsible practice. This clause aims to prevent the misuse of enchantment magic, ensuring that it is used ethically and for positive purposes.
Periodic Review: Mandates periodic review of the effectiveness and impact of the new disciplines. This clause ensures that the new courses are continually assessed and improved, maintaining their relevance and effectiveness.
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
Safety Protocols: Introduces safety protocols to protect students and faculty from potential hazards associated with summoning. This clause outlines procedures for safely conducting summoning spells and managing any risks that arise.
Emergency Measures: Outlines emergency measures for summoning mishaps, ensuring quick response and resolution. These measures include procedures for containing and neutralizing summoned creatures or objects that pose a threat.
Ethical Considerations: Emphasizes the ethical use of Conjuration magic, ensuring that it is used for beneficial purposes and not for harm or exploitation.
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
Privacy Protections: Establishes guidelines to protect individuals’ privacy and prevent intrusive or unethical use of Divination. These guidelines ensure that divinatory practices are conducted with respect for the privacy and dignity of all individuals.
Confidentiality Measures: Implements measures to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained through Divination. This clause outlines procedures for handling and protecting confidential information.
Accuracy Standards: Sets standards for the accuracy and reliability of divinatory practices, ensuring that students and faculty are trained to produce dependable results.
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
Ethical Review: Establishes a review board to investigate the ethical implications of Necromancy and determine if it can be safely and ethically practiced in the future. This board is tasked with evaluating the risks and benefits of Necromancy and making recommendations for its potential reinstatement.
Safety Measures: Introduces enhanced safety measures to prevent the misuse of necromantic artifacts and knowledge. This clause includes procedures for securely storing or disposing of necromantic materials.
Reevaluation Clause: Mandates periodic reevaluation of the suspension, allowing for potential reinstatement if ethical and safety concerns are adequately addressed.
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
Safety and Ethical Concerns: Raised significant concerns about the safety and ethical implications of these powerful and potentially dangerous schools of magic. This clause included strict safety protocols and ethical guidelines to mitigate risks.
Risk Assessments: Detailed risk assessments were required for all practices involving these disciplines. This clause outlined procedures for evaluating and managing potential risks associated with Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy.
Committee Reviews: Established a committee to review and monitor the implementation of these disciplines, should they be ratified. This clause ensured ongoing oversight and evaluation of the new curriculum.
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
Ongoing Review: Establishes a review board to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the comprehensive curriculum. This board is responsible for conducting regular assessments and making recommendations for improvements.
Safety Measures: Introduces strict safety measures to prevent misuse of powerful magic and ensure the well-being of students and faculty. These measures include protocols for safely conducting advanced magical practices and managing potential hazards.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourages collaboration between different schools of magic to foster innovation and holistic understanding. This clause promotes interdisciplinary projects and research initiatives that draw on the strengths of multiple magical disciplines.
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
Safety and Containment Protocols: Introduces stringent safety and containment protocols to prevent accidents and ensure the safe handling of aberrant and eldritch entities. These protocols include procedures for containment, emergency response, and risk management.
Ethical Guidelines: Establishes ethical guidelines for conducting research on Aberrations and Eldritch Entities. This clause emphasizes the importance of responsible and ethical research practices, particularly in dealing with potentially dangerous beings.
Collaborative Efforts: Encourages collaboration with other magical disciplines to develop comprehensive strategies for dealing with aberrant and eldritch threats. This clause promotes interdisciplinary research and cooperation.

Historical Details


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
The doctrine was drafted following the success of the Arcane Summits, which highlighted the need for a formal institution to oversee the education and ethical training of new wizards. The Academy aimed to become a beacon of magical knowledge and a defender of ethical magical practices.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
The amendment was prompted by the recognition of Illusion and Enchantment as vital fields of study, each offering unique insights and applications. Faculty and students advocated for their inclusion to broaden the scope of magical education. The need for these disciplines became evident through advancements in magical theory and the growing interest of the magical community in these areas.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
Advances in magical theory and the increasing complexity of Conjuration spells prompted the need for formal education in this discipline. Faculty recognized the importance of training wizards to safely and effectively perform Conjuration spells, addressing both the theoretical and practical aspects of this magical art.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
Increased interest in divination practices and their potential applications in various fields prompted this amendment. Faculty and students recognized the value of Divination in providing guidance, solving mysteries, and gaining insights into future events. The need for formal education in this discipline became evident as more wizards sought to develop their divinatory skills.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
The decision to remove Necromancy was prompted by the events of the Arcaninum Skirmish, where Ryo "Kardun" Nexus’s misuse of necromantic magic led to significant harm. The Academy faced mounting pressure to address the ethical and safety issues associated with Necromancy, culminating in this emergency amendment.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
Advances in magical theory and the discovery of new magical techniques prompted the proposal to include these disciplines. Faculty and students recognized the potential of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy to revolutionize magical practice and expand the frontiers of knowledge. However, the powerful and potentially dangerous nature of these disciplines raised significant ethical and safety concerns.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
The need to address past issues and reestablish the Academy as a premier institution prompted this amendment. Following the closure in 2550, there was a recognition of the importance of providing a comprehensive and inclusive magical education. Advances in magical theory and practice highlighted the necessity of incorporating all recognized schools of magic into the curriculum.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
The need to understand and counteract the threats posed by Aberrations and Eldritch Entities became increasingly evident due to encounters with these beings and the growing recognition of their potential impact on the magical world. Advances in Psionic Powers and the discovery of connections between these powers and eldritch entities further highlighted the importance of this field of study.


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
The original doctrine set the foundation for the Academy’s structure, guiding its development and expansion. Over time, the Academy became renowned for its rigorous curriculum and esteemed faculty.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
The inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment marked the first major expansion of the Academy’s curriculum, reflecting its commitment to evolving and adapting to the needs of the magical community. This amendment set a precedent for future expansions and demonstrated the Academy’s responsiveness to the interests and needs of its students and faculty.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
The amendment was a response to both scholarly advancements and practical needs, ensuring that students could access structured and safe Conjuration training. The inclusion of Conjuration marked a significant expansion of the Academy’s curriculum, reflecting its commitment to providing a comprehensive magical education.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
The inclusion of Divination marked a significant expansion of the Academy’s curriculum, incorporating another vital area of magical practice. This amendment reflected the Academy’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education that addresses the diverse interests and needs of its students.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
The emergency removal of Necromancy marked a pivotal moment in the Academy’s history, highlighting the importance of ethical considerations in magical practice. The amendment was a response to both internal and external pressures to ensure the safety and integrity of the institution.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
The attempt to ratify this amendment resulted in intense debate and ultimately led to the closure of the Academy in 2550 due to the inability to reach a consensus. The controversy surrounding the inclusion of these disciplines highlighted deep divisions within the magical community and underscored the challenges of balancing innovation with safety and ethics.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
The amendment was a response to the evolving needs of the magical community and the desire to restore the Academy’s status as a leading center of magical education. The inclusion of all schools of magic marked a significant expansion and revitalization of the Academy’s curriculum.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
The inclusion of this research program marked a significant expansion of the Academy’s scope, reflecting its commitment to addressing emerging threats and advancing the frontiers of magical knowledge. The amendment was a response to both scholarly advancements and practical needs, ensuring that the Academy remained at the forefront of magical education and research.

Public Reaction

Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
The establishment of the Academy was widely supported by the magical community, who saw it as a necessary step for structured magical education. Scholars and practitioners alike welcomed the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from this new center of learning.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
The amendment was met with enthusiasm, as many saw it as a natural progression for the Academy. Students were eager to explore these new disciplines, and faculty members were excited to share their expertise. The positive reaction from the magical community reinforced the Academy’s decision to expand its curriculum.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
There was some initial concern about the dangers of summoning, but overall, the reaction was positive. The addition was seen as a necessary step to ensure comprehensive magical education. Students and faculty were excited about the new opportunities that Conjuration studies offered.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
The reaction was generally positive, with excitement over the new possibilities that Divination studies could offer. Some concerns about privacy were addressed through strict guidelines and confidentiality measures, ensuring that divinatory practices were conducted ethically and responsibly.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
The reaction was mixed. While many in the magical community supported the decision, recognizing the need for immediate action, others were concerned about the loss of knowledge and the potential for future advancements in Necromancy. The ethical review board was seen as a necessary step to balance these concerns.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
The reaction was mixed, with significant support from some factions and strong opposition from others. Proponents argued that the inclusion of these disciplines was necessary to keep pace with advancements in magical theory, while opponents raised concerns about safety and ethical implications. The inability to agree on the inclusion of these disciplines reflected broader tensions within the magical community.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
The amendment was met with widespread support from the magical community, who saw it as a positive and necessary step towards restoring the Academy’s reputation and ensuring a comprehensive education for future wizards. The inclusive approach was praised for addressing the diverse interests and needs of students.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
The amendment was met with widespread support from the magical community, who recognized the importance of understanding and countering aberrant and eldritch threats. The establishment of dedicated research facilities and the emphasis on safety and ethics reassured those concerned about the potential dangers of this field.


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
The original doctrine laid the groundwork for the Academy’s long-standing reputation as a center of magical excellence. It established principles and practices that continue to guide the institution’s operations and ethos.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
This amendment significantly enriched the Academy’s curriculum, solidifying its reputation as a comprehensive center for magical education. It also set a precedent for future expansions and adaptations, demonstrating the Academy’s commitment to providing a diverse and well-rounded education.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
The inclusion of Conjuration strengthened the Academy’s curriculum and addressed a critical area of magical practice. It also enhanced the institution’s ability to prepare students for diverse magical challenges, solidifying its reputation as a leading center for magical education.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
This amendment further diversified the Academy’s offerings, ensuring a comprehensive magical education. It reinforced the institution’s commitment to ethical practices and set high standards for the study and practice of Divination. The inclusion of Divination solidified the Academy’s reputation as a leading center for magical education.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
This amendment underscored the Academy’s commitment to ethical practices and safety. It served as a reminder of the potential dangers of magical misuse and the importance of maintaining high ethical standards. The legacy of this amendment influenced future policies and the Academy’s approach to controversial disciplines.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
The failed ratification highlighted the challenges of expanding the curriculum to include controversial disciplines. It also underscored the need for careful consideration and consensus in such decisions. The legacy of this amendment influenced future policies and the Academy’s approach to incorporating new fields of study.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
This amendment marked the rebirth of the Academy, setting a new standard for magical education. It reinforced the institution’s commitment to providing a diverse and well-rounded education, preparing students for the complexities of the magical world. The legacy of this amendment influenced future policies and the Academy’s approach to curriculum development.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
This amendment significantly enhanced the Academy’s research capabilities and its ability to prepare students and faculty to deal with complex and dangerous magical phenomena. It reinforced the institution’s reputation as a leading center for advanced magical research and education. The legacy of this amendment influenced future research initiatives and the Academy’s approach to addressing emerging magical threats.


Original Doctrine (Jade 14, 1210)
Indefinite, with provisions for amendments through the Arcane Summit review process every 80 years.  
First Amendment: Inclusion of Illusion and Enchantment (Jest 22, 1330)
Indefinite, subject to review at the Arcane Summit every 80 years. This clause ensures that the amendment remains relevant and effective, with regular assessments and potential updates to maintain its alignment with the Academy’s goals and the needs of the magical community.  
Second Amendment: Inclusion of Conjuration (Rosalia 15, 1450)
Indefinite, subject to review at the Arcane Summit every 80 years. This clause ensures that the amendment remains relevant and effective, with regular assessments and potential updates to maintain its alignment with the Academy’s goals and the needs of the magical community.  
Third Amendment: Inclusion of Divination (Vulcan 10, 1575)
Indefinite, subject to review at the Arcane Summit every 80 years. This clause ensures that the amendment remains relevant and effective, with regular assessments and potential updates to maintain its alignment with the Academy’s goals and the needs of the magical community.  
Fourth Amendment: Emergency Removal of Necromancy (Topazally 28, 2524)
Indefinite, subject to reevaluation by the review board every 80 years or sooner if deemed necessary. This clause ensures that the suspension remains in place until it can be safely and ethically lifted.  
Fifth Amendment: Attempted Inclusion of Ancestral Magic, Chronomancy, and Graviturgy (Failed Ratification, 2528-2550)
Not ratified, contributing to the closure of the Academy. The proposal remained a topic of debate and was periodically revisited in subsequent Arcane Summits.  
Sixth Amendment: Comprehensive Inclusion of All Schools (Necromay 12, 2574)
Indefinite, subject to review at the Arcane Summit every 80 years. This clause ensures that the amendment remains relevant and effective, with regular assessments and potential updates to maintain its alignment with the Academy’s goals and the needs of the magical community.  
Seventh Amendment: Inclusion of Aberrations & Eldritch Entities Research (Saintally 4, 2600)
Indefinite, subject to review at the Arcane Summit every 80 years. This clause ensures that the amendment remains relevant and effective, with regular assessments and potential updates to maintain its alignment with the Academy’s goals and the needs of the magical community.
Manuscript, Magical (Tome/Scroll)
Authoring Date
Jade 14, 1210
Ratification Date
Jade 14, 1210

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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