Gift of the Mythical Mother


The Gift of the Mythical Mother is an ancient ritual that dates back to the time when the Squamata Nomads first began to revere the elemental forces that shape their world. Passed down through generations, this ceremony is a sacred tradition that honors the Mythical Mothers and seeks their blessings. Each tribe—Flame, Tempest, Frozen, and Earthen—has developed its unique version of this ritual, reflecting their specific elemental affinity. Historically, this ritual has been pivotal in ensuring the prosperity and protection of the tribes, strengthening their bond with their deities.


The execution of the Gift of the Mythical Mother ritual varies slightly among the tribes, but the core elements remain consistent. The ceremony typically takes place during significant celestial events, such as solstices or equinoxes, believed to be times when the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds are thinnest. The ritual begins with a procession to a sacred site, followed by the preparation of an elemental altar. The shaman or spiritual leader of the tribe leads the ritual, invoking the power of their respective Mythical Mother. Offerings are made, prayers are recited, and symbolic actions are performed to draw the deity’s attention and favor. The ceremony culminates in a blessing, where the chosen participants receive the boon or blessing of the Mythical Mother, granting them enhanced abilities and protection.

Components and tools

Each tribe utilizes specific components and tools that resonate with their elemental focus:  
  • Flame Tribe They use firewood, flint, and steel to ignite a ceremonial bonfire. Other components include fire-hardened clay vessels, incense, and flame-colored fabrics. Tools may include ceremonial torches and fire staffs.
  • Tempest Tribe They use wind chimes, storm drums, and lightning rods. Offerings include feathers, rainwater collected during storms, and storm-symbol carvings. Tools may include ceremonial kites and windcatchers.
  • Frozen Tribe They use ice sculptures, snowflakes preserved in enchanted containers, and mirrors to reflect light. Offerings include frozen water from sacred glaciers, white animal pelts, and snow flowers. Tools may include ice picks and ceremonial frost wands.
  • Earthen Tribe They use stones, soil, and seeds. Offerings include gemstones, clay figurines, and harvested crops. Tools may include shovels, ceremonial hammers, and staffs adorned with vines.


The main participants in the Gift of the Mythical Mother ritual are the tribe’s shaman, elders, and the chosen individuals who will receive the blessing. Key roles include:  
  • Shaman The spiritual leader who leads the ritual, invoking the deity’s power and guiding the participants through the ceremony.
  • Elders Respected members of the tribe who assist in preparing the sacred site and the altar, and who provide wisdom and support throughout the ritual.
  • Chosen Participants Individuals selected to receive the boon or blessing. They may be chosen for their bravery, need, or special connection to the elemental force.
  • Supportive Tribe Members Other members of the tribe who partake in the procession, offer prayers, and support the ritual through music, dance, and offerings.


The observance of the Gift of the Mythical Mother ritual is a time of communal gathering and celebration. The tribes come together in unity, honoring their connection to the Mythical Mother and seeking her favor for the coming season. The ritual is marked by feasting, storytelling, and performances that reflect the tribe’s cultural heritage. The entire tribe participates in some way, whether through direct involvement in the ceremony or through supportive roles that enhance the ritual’s atmosphere. Observance is not only a spiritual duty but also a social event that reinforces the bonds within the tribe and reaffirms their shared beliefs and values. The ritual concludes with the community expressing gratitude and joy, often accompanied by a communal feast and festivities that last well into the night.
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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