Mysteries of Everdine
Purpose / Function
Weary travelers looking for a place to stay and to have proper companionship tend to seek out what mysteries Everdine has to offer by spending time here.
The overal designed has changed ever since the great fire of Everdine some 32 years ago. Anne Niganze has finally put in all the fine alterations one would expect of a high class establishment.
The structure of this building is almost like that of a late victorian style.
This establishment was set up to be a bath house/inn for travelers. The citizens of Everdine started to hate travelers bathing in Lake Azion. So the first owner built this wonderful building on the road heading to Aceitunas. When a person from House Niganze purchased the location is when it started to offer favors to weary travelers as well. After that purchase Anne Niganze was placed to be the Lady of the House.
Alternative Names
Everdine Brothel, Anne's Ladies
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Owning Organization