The Perpetual Alloy Conflict Military Conflict in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

The Perpetual Alloy Conflict

The Conflict


The Perpetual Alloy Conflict traces its origins to a fundamental disagreement over the creation of artificial life. The Thoredran Federation, known for their masterful craftsmanship, believed in the superiority of Warforged, constructs imbued with strength and durability. In contrast, the Rhitersvale Confederation, a hub of gnomish innovation, championed the creation of Autognomes, celebrated for their intricate design and versatility. Initial skirmishes were sparked by resource competition, as both sides sought the rare alloys necessary for their creations. These disputes escalated when a powerful wizard, seeking aid against an unknown threat, inadvertently reignited the conflict by commissioning a large number of constructs from both factions.


As tensions mounted, both sides mobilized their forces with unparalleled fervor. The Thoredran Federation deployed the Sentinels of the Federation, elite warriors supported by newly forged Warforged. The Rhitersvale Confederation responded with the Shredders of the Confederation, backed by fleets of Autognomes. The deployment strategies relied heavily on the unique strengths of their constructs, with the Thoredrans focusing on brute strength and durability, while the Rhitersvale forces emphasized agility and advanced tactics. Initial battles were fought over control of key mining sites and strategic passes in the Thoredran Mountains and the Crystaline Conduit Lake area.


The conflict raged across diverse and challenging terrains. Battles were fought in the harsh, mountainous regions of the Thoredran Mountains, the dense forests and marshlands of Rhitersvale, and the once-pristine glacial lakes now scarred by war. The battlefield extended into the Underdark, where the Dwarven Empire's subterranean cities faced sieges, and the Rhitersvale Caverns became sites of fierce underground skirmishes. The strategic importance of Steamcrystal Lake and Crystaline Conduit Lake made these locations focal points, with control over their waters symbolizing dominance in the war.


Combat conditions were grueling and varied with the seasons. Winter battles in the Thoredran Mountains were fought in sub-zero temperatures with heavy snowfall, while summer engagements in the marshlands faced sweltering heat and humidity. The constant mining for alloys released toxic fumes, contributing to environmental degradation. The Alloy Blight added another layer of danger, infecting both biological beings and constructs, causing widespread sickness and mechanical failures. These harsh conditions tested the endurance and resilience of both armies, exacerbating the horrors of war.

The Engagement

Engagements were characterized by brutal, relentless combat. Both sides employed a combination of conventional warfare and advanced technological tactics. The Sentinels of the Federation and their Warforged clashed head-on with the Shredders of the Confederation and their Autognomes in epic battles. Sieges, ambushes, and trench warfare became common as each faction tried to outmaneuver the other. The engagement tactics evolved over time, incorporating magical elements, sabotage, and guerrilla warfare. The cursed alloys and environmental hazards added layers of complexity, making each engagement a test of strategy and survival.


The short-term effects of the conflict were devastating. Both sides suffered significant casualties, with countless Warforged and Autognomes lost to battle and the Alloy Blight. The environmental toll was immense, with once-pristine landscapes transformed into polluted wastelands. Key resources were depleted, and entire communities were displaced or destroyed. The war's brutality deepened the animosity between the factions, solidifying the conflict's intractability. Temporary victories on either side did little to shift the overall balance, leading to a protracted stalemate.


The long-term effects of the Perpetual Alloy Conflict have left an indelible mark on both societies. The war has created a legacy of environmental destruction, with areas like Steamcrystal Lake and Crystaline Conduit Lake bearing the scars of continuous combat and pollution. The curse of the Alloy Blight continues to plague both populations, leading to ongoing health crises and mechanical failures. Economically, both factions are strained, having diverted vast resources to the war effort. Socially, the war has fostered a culture of mistrust and animosity, perpetuating the cycle of conflict.

Historical Significance

The history of the conflict is a chronicle of escalating tensions, pivotal battles, and fleeting truces. Initial skirmishes over resource control evolved into a full-scale war following the wizard's intervention and the emergence of the Alloy Blight. Key historical moments include the battles for the Thoredran Mountains, the sieges of the Underdark cities, and the contamination of Steamcrystal Lake and Crystaline Conduit Lake. Over centuries, the war has seen periods of intense fighting interspersed with uneasy peace, driven by the need to rebuild and rearm.


The legacy of the Perpetual Alloy Conflict is one of resilience and tragedy. Both the Thoredran Federation and the Rhitersvale Confederation have developed advanced technologies and military strategies as a result of the war. However, this progress has come at a great cost. The environmental and societal damage is a constant reminder of the war's futility and the price of unchecked aggression. The conflict has also highlighted the potential for cooperation, as seen in the clandestine efforts of the Tallow Stewards and Paraffin Rascals to heal and repair sentient beings affected by the war.

In Literature

The war has inspired a wealth of literature, from epic poems and sagas recounting heroic deeds to somber tales of loss and devastation. Both sides have produced propaganda and morale-boosting stories to support their war efforts. Accounts of the Alloy Blight and the struggles of the Tallow Stewards and Paraffin Rascals have also found their way into popular lore, providing a poignant commentary on the human and mechanical cost of the conflict. Literary works serve as both a record of the war's impact and a means of preserving cultural identity amidst the turmoil.

Technological Advancement

The technological advancements driven by the conflict are significant. The Thoredran Federation has perfected the crafting of Warforged, integrating magical enhancements and durable materials. The Rhitersvale Confederation has developed intricate Autognomes with advanced cognitive functions and adaptability. Both sides have also improved mining techniques, weaponry, and defensive mechanisms. However, these advancements are double-edged, as they have also led to increased environmental degradation and the perpetuation of the Alloy Blight.
Conflict Type
Civil War
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Burnally 23, 160
Ending Date
ongoing for over 2,482 years


Thoredran Federation
Rhitersvale Confederation


The Thoredran Federation's military power is represented by the creation of Warforged. Here is a breakdown of Warforged created during periods of peace and conflict:  
Peace Periods:
  Vulcan 28, 352 - Rosalia 29, 432 (81 years): ~23,976 Warforged
Saintally 29, 2297 - Saintally 23, 2412 (116 years): ~34,336 Warforged
Saintally 30, 1126 - Agonalia 1, 1216 (91 years): ~26,936 Warforged
Martius 27, 1741 - Rosalia 1, 1843 (103 years): ~30,488 Warforged
Burnally 30, 1625 - Agonalia 21, 1717 (93 years): ~27,528 Warforged
Jest 11, 1046 - Necromay 24, 1143 (98 years): ~28,808 Warforged
Topazally 1, 1950 - Topazally 3, 2080 (131 years): ~38,776 Warforged
Sextilias 9, 1988 - Agonalia 21, 2110 (123 years): ~36,408 Warforged
Topazally 11, 2008 - Sextilias 28, 2028 (21 years): ~6,216 Warforged
Sextilias 8, 592 - Vulcan 3, 609 (18 years): ~5,328 Warforged
Conflict Periods:
  Year 160 - Year 351 (192 years): 28,416 Warforged
Year 433 - Year 591 (159 years): 23,532 Warforged
Year 610 - Year 1045 (436 years): 64,528 Warforged
Year 1144 - Year 1216 (73 years): 10,804 Warforged
Year 1718 - Year 1740 (23 years): 3,404 Warforged
Year 1844 - Year 1949 (106 years): 15,688 Warforged
Year 2081 - Year 2110 (30 years): 4,440 Warforged
Year 2029 - Year 2007 (21 years): 3,108 Warforged
Year 2111 - Year 2642 (532 years): 78,736 Warforged
The Rhitersvale Confederation's military power is represented by the creation of Autognomes. Here is a breakdown of Autognomes created during periods of peace and conflict:  
Peace Periods:
  Vulcan 28, 352 - Rosalia 29, 432 (81 years): ~23,814 Autognomes
Saintally 29, 2297 - Saintally 23, 2412 (116 years): ~34,104 Autognomes
Saintally 30, 1126 - Agonalia 1, 1216 (91 years): ~26,754 Autognomes
Martius 27, 1741 - Rosalia 1, 1843 (103 years): ~30,282 Autognomes
Burnally 30, 1625 - Agonalia 21, 1717 (93 years): ~27,342 Autognomes
Jest 11, 1046 - Necromay 24, 1143 (98 years): ~28,518 Autognomes
Topazally 1, 1950 - Topazally 3, 2080 (131 years): ~38,514 Autognomes
Sextilias 9, 1988 - Agonalia 21, 2110 (123 years): ~36,081 Autognomes
Topazally 11, 2008 - Sextilias 28, 2028 (21 years): ~6,174 Autognomes
Sextilias 8, 592 - Vulcan 3, 609 (18 years): ~5,292 Autognomes
Conflict Periods:
  Year 160 - Year 351 (192 years): 28,224 Autognomes
Year 433 - Year 591 (159 years): 24,000 Autognomes
Year 610 - Year 1045 (436 years): 64,242 Autognomes
Year 1144 - Year 1216 (73 years): 10,731 Autognomes
Year 1718 - Year 1740 (23 years): 3,500 Autognomes
Year 1844 - Year 1949 (106 years): 15,582 Autognomes
Year 2081 - Year 2110 (30 years): 4,410 Autognomes
Year 2029 - Year 2007 (21 years): 3,000 Autognomes
Year 2111 - Year 2642 (532 years): 77,804 Autognomes


The Thoredran Federation has faced significant casualties throughout the conflict. Utilizing a FIFO approach, the following is the estimated Warforged and soldier losses in key conflict periods:   Year 160 - Year 351: 28,416 Warforged
Year 433 - Year 591: 23,532 Warforged
Year 610 - Year 1045: 64,528 Warforged
Year 1144 - Year 1216: 10,800 Warforged
Year 1718 - Year 1740: 3,404 Warforged
Year 1844 - Year 1949: 16,000 Warforged
Year 2081 - Year 2110: 4,500 Warforged
Year 2029 - Year 2007: 3,108 Warforged
Year 2111 - Year 2642: 78,736 Warforged
The Rhitersvale Confederation has also endured heavy casualties. Following is the estimated Autognomes and soldier losses during key conflict periods are:   Year 160 - Year 351: 28,224 Autognomes
Year 433 - Year 591: 24,000 Autognomes
Year 610 - Year 1045: 64,242 Autognomes
Year 1144 - Year 1216: 10,731 Autognomes
Year 1718 - Year 1740: 3,500 Autognomes
Year 1844 - Year 1949: 15,582 Autognomes
Year 2081 - Year 2110: 4,410 Autognomes
Year 2029 - Year 2007: 3,000 Autognomes
Year 2111 - Year 2642: 77,804 Autognomes


The primary objective of the Thoredran Federation is to secure and maintain control over valuable alloy mines and strategic territories. They aim to protect their sovereignty, ensure the continued production of Warforged, and ultimately dominate the Rhitersvale Confederation to end the conflict on their terms.
The Rhitersvale Confederation seeks to assert their technological superiority and secure key resources to sustain their war effort. Their ultimate goal is to defeat the Thoredran Federation, gain control over disputed territories, and ensure the freedom and advancement of their innovative society.


  • Continent of Thoredran
  • Stendaaris

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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