The Shroud of Zehir

The Shroud of Zehir is a holy symbol and relic used by members of the Scales of Liberation to conceal their identity and enhance their stealth capabilities. When activated, it creates an aura of shadows around the wearer, rendering them nearly invisible and masking their presence from enemies.   The Shroud of Zehir is a prized possession among the Scales of Liberation, providing both practical benefits for covert operations and serving as a potent symbol of their faith and dedication to Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When worn, the Shroud of Zehir can be activated by a command word known only to members of the Scales of Liberation. Once activated, it envelops the wearer in shadows, granting the following benefits for up to 1 hour:  
  • The wearer becomes invisible as per the Invisibility spell.
  • The wearer gains advantage on Stealth checks.
  • The wearer is immune to being tracked by non-magical means.
  • The wearer's voice becomes a whisper, making it difficult to detect their location (disadvantage on Perception checks to locate the wearer by sound).
  • The Shroud can be used once per day, and it recharges at dawn.

Manufacturing process

  1. Gathering Materials The dark silk is harvested from rare shadow spiders found in the Whispering Sands, and the gemstones are procured from deep within the earth.
  2. Weaving The silk is carefully woven into the circular shape of the Shroud, ensuring that the threads maintain their magical properties.
  3. Enchanting Skilled enchanters infuse the silk with shadow essence, using intricate spells to bind the magic to the fabric.
  4. Etching Runes Master rune smiths etch protective and concealment runes into the fabric using enchanted tools.
  5. Setting the Gemstone The gemstone is set into the center of the Shroud, acting as the focal point for the enchantment. It is secured with a binding spell to ensure it remains in place.
  6. Final Blessing The completed Shroud is blessed in a secret ritual by a Shadowscale priest, imbuing it with the final divine energies of Zehir.


The Shroud of Zehir was first crafted by the original founders of the Scales of Liberation as a means to protect their identities while conducting covert operations. Over the centuries, it has been refined and improved, becoming a revered relic among Zehir's followers.


The Shroud of Zehir symbolizes the protection and guidance of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent. It is both a practical tool and a sacred artifact, embodying the principles of secrecy, cunning, and liberation.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Very Rare
1 lbs
6 inches in diamter
Base Price
2,000 gp
Raw materials & Components
The Shroud is made from a special blend of dark silk, imbued with shadow essence and enchanted with ancient runes. The center features a gemstone, typically an onyx or obsidian, which acts as a focal point for the magical energies.
Crafting the Shroud requires specialized tools, including:  
  • Enchanting needles for weaving the shadow essence into the silk.
  • Rune etching tools for inscribing the magical runes.
  • A gem setting kit for embedding the gemstone.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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