Religion of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent


The religious organization of Zehir is hierarchical, with the highest rank being the High Priest or Priestess of Shadows, followed by the Shadowscales (senior priests), Serpent Whisperers (intermediate clergy), and Night Initiates (novice followers). Each rank has specific duties and responsibilities, ensuring the efficient functioning of the religious order.


Zehirite culture values secrecy, cunning, and strategic thinking. Followers are trained to operate from the shadows, using intelligence and manipulation to achieve their goals. There is a strong emphasis on liberation and subversion, as well as a deep respect for the balance between darkness and light.


The worship of Zehir dates back thousands of years, originating with a small group of yuan-ti who sought a different path from the oppressive practices of their peers. Over time, the religion grew in secrecy, attracting those who valued freedom and cunning.


The religion of Zehir is unlikely to be disbanded as it operates in secrecy and has deep roots within yuan-ti society. However, it is constantly under threat from the dominant religious and political powers.

Mythology & Lore

Zehir is believed to be a once-powerful deity who sought to free the yuan-ti from their own destructive tendencies. He is seen as a protector of the oppressed and a master of secrets and shadows. Legends tell of his interventions in mortal affairs to guide those who seek true freedom and justice.

Divine Origins

The worship of Zehir began with a group of yuan-ti who opposed the mainstream practices of slavery and oppression. They believed in a prophecy of a liberating serpent who would bring balance and justice. This group formed the first secretive cells of Zehirite worshippers.

Cosmological Views

Zehirites believe in a balance between darkness and light, viewing the world as a place where true power comes from liberating the oppressed rather than subjugating them. They see Zehir as a divine guide who helps them navigate the complexities of power and freedom.

Tenets of Faith

  • Operate from the Shadows Secrecy is paramount; keep your true intentions hidden.
  • Use Cunning and Strategy Outmaneuver your enemies with intelligence and planning.
  • Strive for Liberation Work to free the oppressed and dismantle systems of tyranny.
  • Maintain Balance Understand and respect the balance between darkness and light.
  • Utilize Poison Use poison as a tool for change and control, not just harm.


Zehirites are expected to uphold principles of secrecy, strategic thinking, and subversion. Compassion towards the oppressed is essential, and members must strive to protect and free those in bondage. Ethical behavior is balanced with pragmatic actions necessary for achieving their goals.


Worship is conducted in secret, often in hidden sanctuaries or during the night. Rituals focus on the prophecy of the liberating serpent and the liberation of the oppressed. Symbols of freedom, such as broken chains and serpents, are central to their worship.


The priesthood is led by the High Priest or Priestess of Shadows, followed by the Shadowscales who interpret Zehir’s will and guide the faithful. Serpent Whisperers act as intermediaries, conducting rituals and spreading teachings, while Night Initiates are novices learning the ways of Zehir.

Granted Divine Powers

High-ranking members are believed to be blessed with divine powers from Zehir, such as enhanced stealth, manipulation abilities, and minor healing. These powers aid them in their missions and reinforce their faith.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Zehirites operate covertly within various political and social structures, using espionage and manipulation to influence key figures and destabilize oppressive regimes. They maintain a network of sympathizers even within the higher echelons of yuan-ti society.


There are no formal sects within the religion of Zehir, but different cells may have slightly different interpretations and methods based on their leaders' preferences and experiences. Each cell operates independently but with the common goal of fulfilling Zehir’s prophecy and ending oppression.

"In Shadows We Rise, In Secrecy We Conquer"

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Hidden Serpent, Lord of the Night, The Silent Liberator
Successor Organization
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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