Horomar Organization in World of the Book | World Anvil


Horomar is a nation of pale, hardy, and long-fingered people who disappeared from the surface of the world long ago when only to re-emerge as a mysterious world power. In their absence, they found ways to survive underwater creating mesh-like barriers that keep enough air in them to be raised like great tents, and massive cities to be built underneath the enormous pressure of the waves. Their dark cities are filled with industry, with a long history of mining, craftsmanship, and magical and technological prowess, like most of the world never saw. It was not until their re-emergence that the world had access to Silver Steel, of which their production and distribution have made them great wealth.     Horomar is a feudal society, shaped with rules that they must adhere to, or be crushed beneath the eons of tradition and the old ways like they would be crushed by the waves above. A great line of kings is detailed below and is not yet fully finished, but it gives one a sense of the culture.   They have created amazing feats of magical and technological ingenuity, from creating fire that burns underwater and gunpowder that does the same, to creating nigh-indestructible submarines and sailing ships (and craft that do both equally well). Through these feats, they have the finest navy in the world of Ilmitar.   The navy is run by the noble/royal families, and to be in the navy is seen as one of the highest honors anyone in Horomite Society can achieve.     Spotify Playlist Link:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ye3udw3zv5JTAyWttqZuU?si=0e71244b2dc14259   Pinterest Inspo Board: https://www.pinterest.com/iambenmathis/ilmitar-world/horomar/


1- Before the Sea knew us, before we knew the Sea, when the first fathers split their ways, the leader of the first Horomites was Tyre the shipbuilder. The Horomites decided that they must leave the nation of Ilmitar, the east was unknown, but Tyre had been on ships fishing in the west. He told tales of a time when he was shipwrecked and had seen a faraway land. He speculated that if we headed west we would find this land and could settle it. They loaded the boats with all of the supplies in their possession, all their building materials, all their livestock. When the blackwood boats first sailed out into the Ocean’s great expanse, great sails high, the ocean was gentle, allowing us to progress towards the new land. Ilmitar was left behind, and for three full cycles of the pale moon, they sailed. In the next month, a great storm arose, one like that that sank the fishing boat of Tye during his ordeal. By the grace of the Ocean herself, the ships were washed uncontrollably to the land Tyre spoke of, washing onto a black beach, leading to a rocky shore almost barren of life, blown by the harsh wind of the north. An outpost was made there, and what ships were still able to sail traveled up and down that harsh coastline, searching for food, animals, and anything to which they could call a better home. Nothing was found. By night, the sea glowed gently, calling the forefathers down to her depths. Fear was spread over the people, the sea had terrified them, they did not understand yet her ways. Food ran out, water too, for no fresh springs could be found on the mainland, and the salty sea was no relief. The nights grew colder, the days grew windier and snowier as the winter came. Tyre, on his deathbed, realized that his people needed to go somewhere else. They could not go back, the mainland was a barren wasteland no man had returned from. The Day of Descent came, and none, not even Tyre could have guessed what would happen next. A wave, the size of a mountain rose up from the Sea, her arm outstretched to the Horomites. The wave did not crash, nor did it roar. But all manner of sea-vegetables, fish, and roots flowed up into the oceans gown. Water began to rise in the coastline, picking up the ships, the people, and Tyre’s deathbed. All who felt the water could feel its warmth. A ship overturned on the people, giving them life-giving air, as the wave fell, and the firstfathers descended to the depths, to Horomar. By his dying breath, Tyre made his sone, Destyre, King over the people of the deep, and by his magic raised up the first building of the city, the Obsidian Citidel. Thus are the works of King Tyre. ~ The first work of King Destyre was to bury his father. Released into the ocean, King Tyre was gently carried to the Deep and rests there to all time. Destyre commissioned the man with a tight box of pen and paper to begin a record of the kings of Horomar and brought him into the dry citadel. The Horomites quickly created an obsidian tube that led to the surface to provide fresh air to the people. The Sea, in the beginning, provided kelp and food for the child nation, as they learned to take the first steps in their kingdom. They learned to wrap themselves in the strong bands of kelp to keep the pressure of the deep from crushing their bones and explored their outside world. In the beginning, it was dark, with faint light coming from tiny creatures that fell like snow every morning and rose like mist every night. Far deeper seemed a river of fire that evaded their discovery for a time. Destyre grew the city, with the help of the wizards among them, made more obsidian structures. Excursions were made, but the power of the depths was made known. Neshtar, it was named, and it’s people began to adapt to the depts, raising more structures, and pathways through the deep. Many years passed, and the nation grew under it’s second king. Through magic and wit they reached farther and farther down into the deep, uncovering its secrets and resources. The presence of the Horomites was soon known to the predators of the ocean, some in packs, some alone, and all, deadly. They began attacking those who were slow, or weak, or alone, all were brutally devoured. The King devised ways of keeping these creatures away or fighting them off. Traps and weapons were made of obsidian, and King Destyre went out to meet them in battle outside the city with a company of fighters. Many fell, Destyre was mortally wounded, but the beasts were fought back. As his last act, the King named his son, Halvar. ~~~ The First Work of King Halvar was to bury his father. Since the beasts who sought to destroy Neshtar had been fought back, Halvar sought to go deeper. An outpost was formed on the plateau below Neshtar, here, all manner of sea plants grew, many of them gave off light and were harvested and resown. Thus the Gardens of Halvar were formed and so they remain. By the decree of the King, mining operations were started, and a rich vein of ore was found. The ore was stronger than any steel they had forged, and it became precious material. They called it silver steel. King Halvar’s reign was long and prosperous. New city’s sprung under his leadership, and the depths were plumbed farther along this new plateau. Also, in Halvar’s reign, the production of golems was begun, and the stone creatures designed to carry materials and food began to swim through the depths. King Halvar reigned for 6,788 years. When the King died in his sleep, Queen Maiara was made Queen of Horomar. Thus are the works of King Halvar. ~~~ The first works of Queen Maiara were…
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