Goshë Organization in World of the Book | World Anvil


Goshë is the home of the dragons, a prosperous people of traders, fine artisans, and many, many merchants. They facilitate trade between many of the major nations in exchange of fees of gold, and other tradeable goods, though, the dragons love gold for many reasons. The government of this nation functions as a monarchy, with the head monarch functioning as both merchant-diplomat-in-chief, as well as the commander of the military of Goshë. Other government procedures are handled by various councils that organize and strategize tariffs, laws, and the taxes of the nation. The military holds branches throughout the kingdom to ensure law is kept and will facilitate court hearings for crimes and disputes. Much of the nation dwells underground in massive caverns and excavations under the surface, as the world above was all but destroyed during a certain solar storm eons ago that the Ociphen failed to warn the young nation about.   Within the caves of this nation lie great cities, with markets, factories, and workshops being some of the most common sights, where dragons trade with foreigners and themselves.   Goshe stands in uneasy standing with Ociphar, and has some grudges with "Human Nation A" from their previous war. Goshe maintains good relations with Ilmitar and Horomar and "Human Nation B".     Pinterest Inspo Board: https://www.pinterest.com/iambenmathis/ilmitar-world/gosh%C3%AB/   Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3mpKXECEXPYqe1ZZe54sQt?si=ba29795512624299


Trade-Based Monarchy, with a parliament system designed to protect the citizens of Goshe.


The Draconic members of Goshe hope to uplift and create opportunity for their family and close friends through craft, trade, and lore. They value family and community highly, but they do also value wealth and gold highly. Dragons that choose wealth over family however are shunned by the greater dragon community, and it is theorized that this cultural shift that occured after the cataclysm that destroyed the surface of Goshe is what created the extremely stable society within Goshe that they have today.    Visually, they look very much similar to persian, pakistani, and some indian cultures in their human forms of dress. Obviously they are dragons and thus don't particularly follow any cultural similarites. They do appear in European dragon forms, instead of the long snake like Eastern dragon form.

Public Agenda

To harbor and produce highly skilled craftsman of any and every nation that wishes to participate, to facilitate trade between Goshe and its partners, including between other partners, and to amass the worlds gold supplies as to increase the strength of the people of Goshe.


It is estimated that of the gold in "circulation" around Ilmitar, Goshe controls approximately 45% of it.


After the three nations of Ilmitar had split, and had created their young nations around the world, A time when the great northern storm descended and traveled south, wracking the lands of the globe for four weeks. The sun was not seen at all during this time, and much snow and rain pelted the lands, creating havoc. Ilmitar suffered poor crops and the mages of the era devised much in the way of light magic. During this month. creatures came out of the storm, one here, a few there, and by the end of the month, thousands of dragons had arrived in Ilmitar, What is now Goshe, and in Ociphar. None ventured beneath the waves at this time.    Ilmitar's people welcomed them as a gift from the Storm, and recognized their national sovriegnty immediatly. The young nation was rash, and violent, and a desperate and brief war was fought with Ociphar, and the dragons that had settled their were driven out. A great regrouping was called for by the tribal leaders of the dragonkind, and they moved to the greater empty continent of Goshe, desiring some space for the humans in Ilmitar, and on the other side of the globe from Ociphar As will be written about in another history elsewhere, a great solar cataclysm occurred, and the scholars of Ociphar detected it before it reached the planet. A wave of fire would wash over the planet, like none had ever seen, or would see again. Ociphar warned Ilmitar, as Horomar still sat safely beneath her waters, but they lied when they told the Ilmitarian wizards and diplomats that they had warned Goshe also. They did no such thing.    Waves of fire and radiation covered Goshe, obliterating all but a handful of survivors, who hid underground in lead rich caves. Ilmitar and Ociphar shielded themselves with magic, as they had enough warning to prepare. Ilmitar learned that day not to trust the relationship between Goshe and Ociphar.    Since the cataclysm the dragon population has rebounded, partially because they discovered gold in the caves they hid in, and found that it increased their natural power, durability, speed, and lifespan by a large margin. It quickly became sacred and highly valuable to them. When they had become stronger, they reached back out to Ilmitar in friendship and trade began. Ociphar and Goshe are yet at diplomatic odds to this day, and no small amount of stereotyping and racism exists between their cultures.
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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