Atira, Goddess of Healing Character in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Atira, Goddess of Healing

The Goddess of Healing Atira

Atira, goddess of healing. Priests gain healing hands, but have to study for years (fantasy equivilent of medical school) to have sufficient knowledge. Her influence spreads over most of the continent and she is very powerful with many followers. She has a temple in every city and her priests charge to their healing to maintain the infrastructure of their system. Smaller towns pay good money to attract a healer to live there, and will pay for their living expenses.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Has a whole library of texts devoted to the healing arts, and shares the information freely with everyone who is interested.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White, Glowing Hand on a field of pale blue

Tenets of Faith

Do no harm De-escalate violence Save as many lives as possible



Divine Goals & Aspirations

She wants to see a world free from violence, where people can travel without fear and there is no more war.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Goddess of Healing has long cared for the wellfare of mortals, and is passionate about teaching the healing arts. As such, she has feuds with gods who promote violence and killing, especially Arapys, God of Blood.

Gender Identity

Presents as female

Morality & Philosophy

She abhors violence but isn't afraid to commit it against those she sees as likely to harm others, which has led to run ins with other gods. She doesn't see this as contradictory but more like excising rotting flesh to save the life of the whole being.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to reduce and/or stop all suffering of mortals
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Born from swirling energy at the dawn of time
Aligned Organization

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Nov 30, 2018 04:15

I love this part: "She doesn't see this as contradictory"   I like how you have developed your character's morality and defined it in the way that you did. I'm intrigued by the opportunity you are creating wherein you can examine the conflict created by adjacent characters with rational but opposing moralities.