Temple of Atira Organization in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Temple of Atira

Divine Origins

Mortals have followed Atira for many centuries, as she has always been generous with sharing her powers. Atira has recruited mortals to spread the art of healing and wellness for millennia, and as such, this cult predates many others.


Anyone can travel to a Temple of Atira and ask to be apprenticed. It is much like medical school, there are years are studying to come before one can pledge their life to the service of Atira formally. Students learn potion making, the treatment of wounds and sickness, and a little about mental health. Skill is important, so many tests follow each tier of apprenticeship.   Once a student has passed all the tests and proven their knowledge of the human body they may pledge to Atira, which grants them healing hands. Their training isn't over yet however, it takes several more years of study before a priest/ess is considered competent enough to go off into the world.

Granted Divine Powers

The followers who have completed Atira's thorough schooling and have sworn their life and soul to her gain healing hands. They are able to heal wounds and sickness by using the energy granted to them by Atira. To be able to heal, they have to know WHAT they are healing. Trying to fix a fever or a bleeding wound without the knowledge of the body could lead to death for the patient.   Skill is very important to Atira. She grants more power to those who have the greatest skill, giving them increased ability to save lives. The energy she invests is not an unending well, and a healer can only use so much before they must rest. In extreme cases, the priest/ess may pray to Atira and be granted an extra boost of power to save a life, but she doesn't always answer.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Healers are highly sought after. Even those who have trained in her temples without swearing their life in service are considered valuable, and most towns and cities expend money to attract healers to live there. This leads to more people wanting to be healers, which in turn increases Atira's power and influence. Other gods and their followers are especially careful not to offend the healers, as pushing them away could harm the people in their patron city. This has led to some healers becoming arrogant, and taking advantage of the situation, which Atira tolerates to a certain extent.
Religious, Pantheon

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