
Dukaisia is a massive country. Its history is embroiled with the Feywild. Unsurprising as a part of its land mass was lifted to seed the demiplane after all. It is the Eastern most country in the Nortlunds and is ruled over by a Harongon dynasty that is benevolent, valorous and quite capable in war. The country's so called "Emerald Sea" that flows for thousands of miles in the central is a beautiful sight to behold.   It should be noted that Dukaisia acts as the steward to the great watching wall to the North West, that overlooks the Elder's prison where a great old one was trapped in elder days.  

Government in Dukaisia

  Dukaisia is a traditional monarchy. King Thabrik, and Queen Fenisha are of the Goldentail dynasty and rule in Dukaisia. Their court has nobles of many races. Dukaisia boasts itself to be the most diverse of all countries in the world. King Thabrik is shrewd and cunning and knows that outsiders view Harengon as weak and "adorable". This is a feature he uses to his own benefit on the regular, as if someone underestimates him he has an immediate advantage on them.   While Thabrik and Fenisha hold the power of the monarchy, they invest heavily in others as the country is so massive. Several substates of Dukaisia have formed, and each have a noble person as the head of the state. They bow the knee to the centralized monarchy. Some act like Kings or Queens of their own while others act as custodians of the power (the intended state). While Dukaisia hasn't had war in a long time, longer than any other nation in the world, there are many who feel as though the stage for civil war is being set.  

Economics in Dukaisia

  Dukaisia's economy is relatively strong. There are pockets of profound trade and commerce and then wide swathes of hundreds of miles where coin isn't exchanged, and bartering is the only way.  

Religion in Dukaisia

  Dukaisia originally worshipped the old gods but a missionary of the 2nd age converted the nation to the worship of the New Gods, who the crown currently reveres. That said, the freedom of religion revolution that has been sweeping the world the last hundred years has taken root in Dukaisia and the crown has permitted its people to worship as they are led and feel inclined.  

Life of the Nobility

The Nobility vary based on state. The royals live in absolute luxury and are the genuinely most wealthy of all of the people of Dukaisia. The other Nobility vary based on how they govern their various states. The governors are the entirety of the nobility in Dukaisia. Therefore some live luxuriously off the back of the people while others live among their people, acting more as civil servants, and everything in between.  

Life of the Peasantry

Dukaisia is a relative paradise for most folk. The day to day life is much as it is elsewhere. People work to survive. People work to advance themselves. But in Dukaisia things are quieter. Things are more quaint. People are content in taking their time with things and prefer to do things as they feel led to, not as they are commanded to. The people can be called stubborn or hard hearted but they protect their own, and focus strongly on their local communities.  

Facts & Lore

  The Feywild was crafted from a chunk of the continent of Dukaisia.   The Harengon, and the Owlkin have long been enemies. Even now, while they aren't physically at war, the power struggles in the court are clear on a day to day basis.   The Wall and the Elder's prison are areas the crown of Dukaisia have been stewards of on behalf of the rest of the world. There is much fear that the fall of the dynasty could lead to this responsibility falling to the wayside. Therefore the crown has been very concerned with the rumors of potential civil war.  

Major Towns and Cities:

  Last Watch   Brandhall   Port Silkgrave   Thawmaw Isle   Barehorn Isle   Glisschill Isle   Westport   Redfield   Port Chilltide   Fargrove   Wildwell   Summershield   Stagkeep   Shan'anore   Telmathyr   Thistleboar Isle   Denmont Isle   Magerun Isle   Port Gnarlbelly   Weald Lake   Forestbrooke   Raven's Well   Crystal Breach   Port Kilby   Sandmeadow Isle   New Acre   Oxcall Isle   Green Gulch   Bruderlodge   Hortshire   Port Farcairn   Port Bleakharbar   Port Drakmond   Port Mutegulf   Zargoth   Lirensara   Namrendell

Demography and Population

The population of Dukaisia is the most diverse in Valorstell.

The Emerald Shores

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Sea of Emeralds
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Currency in Dukaisia is called:   Platinum: Barrows   Gold: Shovels   Silver: Rakes   Copper: Kettles
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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