The New Gods

Created by the First herself after the Forgewars, the New Gods were given control over domains of creation beyond the primal, as the Old Gods control the primal. This created ages in which there was more stability for mortals, and more governance over the wild world as a whole.   The New Gods supply a more personal touch to the citizens of the Material Plane, and have more direct involvement in the minutia of their lives. For the first time, many mortals begin to pray to the Gods for things beyond mere survival, incorporating religion into their social lives, advancing society to seek their wants and not just their needs.   The New Gods are often worshipped Pantheistically, though some Clerics do worship individual Gods.  

Meimos (MAYM-OHS)

  Holy Symbol Seven Pointed Star   Meimos is often depicted as a bearded elderly man in Periwinkle robes, with a staff that has a ring of seven stars orbiting it. His tenants are power comes through knowledge, magic is a form of nature, and with power comes a sense of responsibility.  

Tazdrix (TAZZ-DRIKS)

  Holy Symbol Two Crossed Chains   Tazdrix is most often depicted as a humanoid figure in black, evil looking spiked plate armor, with a silhoutette blocking view to his face beneath the helmet. All that is visible is his two glowing red eyes. His tennants include that the strong deserve to rule, the weak must be coralled to avoid chaos, and those who rule maintain power through strength and force.  

Arona (AR-OH-NAH)

  Holy Symbol A Crystal Ball   Arona is most often depicted as an old crone, wearing a scarlet turban. She is called the great predicter. Her tennants include Fortune and Misfortune are a Balance on the Scales, Deeds are the Paddle that guides the Boats of our Futures, and the Fog of the Future can be Pierced by the Faithful.  


  Holy Symbol A Bloody Knife   Baxrus if often depicted as a slender, near skeletal form, in a black robe with a long knife covered in blood. His tennants are that Life is a Crop that can be Harvested, Killing is Natural, the Only Way to Deal with those who Wrong you is Murder.  

Enos (E-NOSE)

  Holy Symbol A Wheat Stem   Enos is often depicted as a Halfling woman with red hair, freckles, and fair skin. She is most often depicted in imagery and painting carrying the bounty of a good harvest. Her tennants are: The Harvest favors those who work for it, Our spirits are like seeds and we grow as plants do through proper cultivation, and Those who grow and produce things are depended upon by society. There is grace in that.  

Uzelia (OO-ZELL-EE-AH)

  Holy Symbol A White Dove   Uzelia, the Goddess of Peace, is a revered deity known for her serene and tranquil presence that brings harmony and calmness to the world. She is often depicted as a graceful and ethereal figure, clothed in flowing robes of pure white, with a serene expression on her face. Uzelia's long, flowing hair is said to shimmer like moonlight, and her eyes radiate a deep sense of inner peace. Her holy symbol is a universally recognized emblem of serenity and balance: a simple, yet powerful, representation of a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak.  

Mogotune (MOE-GO-TOON-AY)

  Holy Symbol: Hammer and Anvil   Mogotune, the God of Craftsmanship, is a revered deity celebrated for his unparalleled skill in the art of creation and his tireless dedication to perfecting his craft. He is often depicted as a robust figure, his body adorned with the intricate symbols of various trades, and his hands forever busy, shaping and crafting with remarkable precision. Mogotune's visage is characterized by a strong and bearded countenance, with eyes that gleam with the spark of inspiration and a smile that reflects the satisfaction of a master craftsman in his element.  

Kairra (KAY-RAH)

  Holy Symbol: The Blossoming Tree   Kairra, the Goddess of Life, is a revered deity whose presence embodies the essence of vitality, growth, and the perpetuation of existence. She is often depicted as a radiant and nurturing figure, her form resplendent with the vibrant colors of nature and the symbols of creation. Kairra's flowing robes evoke the lushness of the earth, adorned with intricate floral patterns that seem to bloom and flourish as she moves. Kairra is often depicted with a crown of blooming flowers and leaves, symbolizing her role as the bringer of life and fertility to the world.  

Pitaxia (PIT-AXE-EE-AH)

  Holy Symbol: An Hourglass   Pitaxia, the Goddess of Death, is a mysterious and enigmatic deity whose dominion extends to the realm of the afterlife and the inevitability of mortality. She is often portrayed as a solemn and ethereal figure, veiled in shadow and cloaked in dark, flowing robes that seem to absorb the surrounding light. Her appearance is both graceful and unsettling, with an otherworldly presence that evokes both awe and reverence.  

Thoelia (THO-EL-EE-AH)

  Holy Symbol: An Arrowhead   Thoelia often appears as a lithe and ethereal figure, her form constantly shifting between that of a graceful elf, a majestic stag, and a vibrant and ancient tree. Her skin shimmers with the colors of the forest - emerald greens, deep browns, and earthy hues. Her hair cascades in flowing tresses like the boughs of ancient oaks, adorned with leaves and blossoms that change with the seasons. Her eyes, deep and knowing, mirror the secrets and wisdom of the woods.  

Qhotia (KO-SHE-AH)

  Holy Symbol: Quill & Lyre   Qhotia stands as the beloved goddess of poetry and song, an eternal source of inspiration for bards, artists, and those who seek to give voice to the beauty of words and melody. Her ethereal presence is an embodiment of creativity, expression, and the power of the arts. Qhotia often appears as a radiant and alluring figure, her form a reflection of the countless expressions of artistic beauty. She has flowing hair that shimmers with ever-changing colors, mirroring the emotions and themes of the art being created in her name.  

Uneas (OO-NEE-AS)

  Holy Symbol: Stylized Mask   Uneas is the enigmatic goddess of thieves and trickery, an embodiment of cunning, stealth, and the shadows. Her presence is a complex tapestry of duality, representing both the artful rogue and the deceptive charlatan. Uneas often appears as a shadowy figure, her form shrouded in an ever-shifting cloak of darkness that conceals her true features.  

Zedas (ZAY-DASS)

  Holy Symbol: The Celestial Wheel   Zedas is the revered god of divinity and fate, a deity who presides over the cosmic tapestry of destiny, providence, and the forces that shape the world. His presence is an embodiment of the intricate web of interconnected destinies that bind all beings. Zedas often appears as an ageless figure, with eyes that sparkle like distant stars, reflecting the profound wisdom of the ages.  

Kotenna (KO-TAN-AH)

  Holy Symbol: Heart surrounded by Flower Wreath   Kotenna is truly the beloved goddess of love, beauty, and fertility—a beacon of affection, grace, and the nurturing of life. Her divine presence embodies the warmth of love, the allure of beauty, and the abundance of nature's blessings.Kotenna is a vision of ethereal beauty, her form radiant and alluring. She is often depicted as a tall, graceful figure with flowing golden hair that shimmers like the sun's rays.  

Onrus (OWN-RUSS)

  Holy Symbol: Desciated Hand wrapped with a Serpent   Onrus is unique and stands as the ominous god of disease and poison—a deity whose presence is both feared and reviled. He embodies the malevolent forces that bring suffering, decay, and death through virulent plagues and toxic venoms. Onrus takes on a grotesque and unsettling form, his visage a nightmarish fusion of rot and venom.  

Rexuras (RACKS-ARE-US)

  Holy Symbol: Sword and Shield   In an already tumultuous pantheon, Rexuras emerges as the formidable god of war—a deity who personifies conflict, courage, and the unyielding spirit of battle. His presence is a force to be reckoned with, inspiring warriors to embrace the fury of combat and the thrill of victory. He is a towering figure with chiseled features, clad in battle-worn armor that bears the scars of countless conflicts.  

Tyludar (TIE-LOO-DAR)

  Holy Symbol: Scales upheld by a sword   Tyludar exudes justice and strength— and is the deity who embodies the principles of fairness, valor, and the unwavering pursuit of righteousness. His presence is a beacon of hope for those who seek to uphold the law and defend the innocent. Tyludar most often appears as a noble and statuesque being, his form adorned in regal armor that gleams with the radiance of polished steel.  

Erazil (AIR-AH-ZEEL)

  Holy Symbol: A Cold wrapped in a Wreath of Gems   In the bustling markets of Valorstell many a trader calls upon Erazil the astute god of trade and commerce—a deity who embodies the principles of commerce, prosperity, and the intricate dance of economic exchange. Erazil appears as a shrewd and sharply dressed figure, his form exuding an air of affluence and business acumen, often depicted in elegant attire, adorned with jewelry that glistens like the finest gemstones.  

Fendulil (FEN-DOO-LEEL)

  Holy Symbol: Swirling Clouds over the Sea   Fendulil is the enigmatic goddess of storms, nature, and the sea—a deity who embodies the majestic power of the natural world in all its turbulent glory. Her presence is a force of both awe and reverence, commanding the primal forces of weather, wilderness, and the ocean's depths. Fendulil's form is ever-changing, mirroring the dynamic forces of nature she governs. She is often depicted as a red headed figure wreathed in swirling mists and crowned with a halo of thunderclouds, playing an instrument such as a cello.