
Garnax is as far east as the continent of the Easterlunds allows. It is a medium sized land, surrounded on most sides by salt swamp and mountains. As difficult as it is to get into, navigating it is just as bad. It is a land of rocky chasms, natural mazes, prairies of ashlands, and hazy volcanos. It features a lake of fire and magma.   Little doubt much of this is due to the manipulation of the landscape by the dark lord Abderron and the various celestial wars of the early ages.  

Government in Garnax

In early days, Garnax was an absolute monarchy ruled over by a powerful necromancer and wizard king. Until his defeat Abderron let loose his rage and malice upon the land. Now, the peoples who live here, many direct descendants from the very creatures Abderron created, have opted to select their leader and elections are held every time a leader passes away, or when the people view what the leader is doing as corrupt. The leader who is elected this way is called 'The Chosen'.   Judicial matters are left to the tribal leaders. Many nomadic tribes wander the lands, and only a handful of actual civilzations have ever remained within the tormented lands of Garnax.  

Economics in Garnax

Garnax has a mostly traditional market in which coin is exchanged for goods and services. The exception that has set Garnax apart from other lands in Valorstell is that Garnax doesn't collect any taxes. In part this is because of how little government actually plays a role in the day to day lives of Garnaxian people.  

Religion in Garnax

Garnax has steadily worshipped The New Gods since even the days of Abderron.  

Life for the Nobility

The Chosen lives in the palace at Onyxfort. They are the only "noble", though most see it as a role and position of duty rather than one of luxury. Onyxfort's 'Palace' is an Onyx cut building that is, by comparison to all other Noble houses, quaint.  

Life for the Peasantry

The landscape is hard. The history and reputation of Garnax makes it even harder. Foreigners still often look at Garnaxian citizens with some levels of distrust and concern that is stereotyped. Resources are rare, and often shared. It is hard to establish towns for how unstable the landscape can be, making civilization few points and far between.  

Facts & Lore

  Abderron, who rules over Garnax in early age, created many of the species who inhabit the lands. The so called Hoard races spread over the lands, but many families opted to stay as Garnax was the home they had known.   There are species of fish that live in the Burning Lake and specialized metal boats that can travel on the magma have been crafted so the folk who live here can fish the lake.   The Dread gates were made in agreement with Muqaba as a way to levy and control the flow of magma and the rate of expansion of the growing mountain.  

Major Towns & Cities:

  Port Hardhelm   Mt Ashenmore   Shardfall   Ailmourne Mountain   Dread Gate North   The Stockmore Glades


Dandelion Amon is an Auroran who was chosen by his people to lead. He was born under the light of the comet that flew across the sky years ago (the return of Zaya Piratesbane). The leader of Garnax is democratically elected by the roaming tribes. They hold office until death, or until a tribe calls for a vote to change leadership. Dandelion wields the power of a King but his actions, particularly as they pertain to international affairs, are filtered through the nomadic tribal leaders before they are enacted.   Tribal leaders conduct the leadership of their tribes on more or less a day to day basis apart from this. The governing structure in Garnax, for fear of the rise of the next Abderron, is lax.

Demography and Population

  • 5% Lizardfolk
  • 5% Kobold
  • 5% Orc
  • 5% Tiefling
  • 5% Bugbear
  • 5% Hobgoblin
  • 5% Goblin
  • 5% Minotaur
  • 5% Goliath
  • 5% Auroran
  • 5% Shifter
  • 5% Yuan-Ti
  • 5% Leonin
  • 5% Aarakocra
  • 30% Other

Foreign Relations

Garnax has loose alliances the world over but has been hard pressed to establish permanent, firm, diplomatic alliances due to the past issues with Abderron.

Forged in the Dark, Tempered in Time

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Dark Waste
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
The following are how coins are referred to in Garnax:  
  • Platinum - Bright Bones
  • Gold - Glitter Ashes
  • Silver - Wizard Tears
  • Copper - Magma Pennies
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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