Kaldemar (CALL-DEM-AWR)

  Kaldemar cursed itself in the 1st age. The ancestral home of the Genasi folk, after a civil war in the 1st age it expelled all of the Water Genasi in a great exodus. Prior to that it was a green paradise, lush and fruitful, legend says more than any other nation. A Water Genasi cleric called upon the Old Gods who heard his plea. Unless the Genasi tribes all live together in Kaldemar, the elements will not be represented there. With only fire, earth, and air, the country rapidly became a desert, which it remains even unto the modern day.  

Government in Kaldemar

  The Government of Kaldemar is a tribal one. Each tribe, Fire, Earth and Air, govern their own territories. For matters of international affairs, the leaders of each tribe will convene to determine the best courses of action. The desert is not densly populated and there is a quiet peace to each of the tribes.  

Economics in Kaldemar

  Kaldemar is not a traditional currency based economy. They have little use for metals that are assigned value in the desert. They utilize a much more practical bartering system in which goods and services are traded for goods and services directly. The ruling government has no bank, and therefore there is no taxation system as well.  

Religion in Kaldemar

  The Kaldemarrian peoples worship the Old Gods and the elemental forces that they represent. These forces are near and dear to the origins of the Genasi folk.  

Life for Nobility

  The tribal elders live among their people. There is no difference in life for them comparred to the commoners of Kaldemar.  

Life of Commoners

  The commoners of Kaldemar spend their days working, building, hunting, and performing all actions in the name of perfecting their skills and working on survival.  

Facts and Lore:

  The famous King of Nolvala, Ignite Boneflare was born in Kaldemar.   Devil's Point was so named because of an incursion with Asmodeus in the 1st Age. Asmodeus appeared on the material plane at that location. For this reason it is believed that Devil's point has a connection to the profane power of the hells.   Due to low regulations, taxes and economy there is a thriving black market in Kaldemar, in certain territories only.  

Major Cities and Territories

  • Vaxbar
  • Eavstone
  • Boulderhallow
  • Littleport
  • Vainscar
  • Ironsand
  • Port Barebay
  • Port Strobend
  • Lost Bowl
  • Devil Point

Demography and Population

33% Air Genasi     33% Fire Genasi   33% Earth Genasi   1% Other

Foreign Relations

Kaldemar has only 1 major alliance: Nolvala

Earth, Fire, and Air. Unseparated. Unstoppable.

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Barter system
The following are how coins are referred to in Struldan:
  • Platinum - Whisps
  • Gold - Sands
  • Silver - Stones
  • Copper - Embers
Major Exports
Spices. Kaldemar is renowned for its many spices that are mined in the Voxbon mountains to its north.
Major Imports
The most major import of Kaldemar as a barren desert, cursed against their exile of water genasi, is water.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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