
Kirinzdok is the largest country by density of land, and population, in Valorstell. The massive country sports most of the Nortlunds, and as its heartland is involved heavily in the politics, power, and positioning of the region. It is located in the the farthest north and center of the continent of the Nortlunds. It is ruled over by Emperor Pietro III, an emperor who has ambitious views for the North and wishes to see the world brought into the fold of his country's power and to demonstrate to the world that Kirinzdok is a force to be reconed with.   In recent days, to reflect this, Pierto III has changed the emblem of Kirinzdok to a spear intercrossed with an axe. This is to also reflect how he has endeavoured to rebuild relationship with the Frost giants of the North who use battle axes primarily. Pierto III has actively invited Winter Hags to live in his court. Much of his choices have been seen as dark by his neighboring nations, to which he responds by calling that the Saber rattling of jealous nations.  

Government in Kirinzdok

  The empire is back alive in Kirinzdok. After a war with Neihonsi not long ago, Kirinzdok is still casting its eyes eastward. Pierto III has ambitions to control the entire eastern side of the continent. Because of warnings of his Grandmother Vasalissa, he has no interest in headed West. He fears the Elder's Prison and what may be held there. Under the rule of the established empire a doctrine of vapid superiority and nationalism is in full swing. Pierto III believes Kirinzdok is better than any other nation the world over and it is his desire and intent that all the nations of the world come to know this fact.   He rules with a true iron fist and all desenters are cast into prison or executed. It is illegal to speak out against the empire or to speak ill of the emperor.  

Economics in Kirinzdok

  Kirinzdok is a squalid land. The nobility control 99.5% of the country's entire wealth. The peasants usually have little more than a place to live and the clothes on their backs. The superiority doctrine of the empire has also closed down shipping and receiving with the rest of the world.  

Religion in Kirinzdok

  The State Religion is that of the New Gods.  

Life of the Nobility

  The Nobility have absolute wealth, power, and luxury. They want for nothing.  

Life of the Peasantry

  Squalid, poor, and destitute. Many of the poor die each year from freezing and starvation. They are the most common causes of death in the Empire.  

Facts and Lore

  Kirinzdok has switched between Empire and Monarchy more than any other nation in Valorstell history.   Vasalissa Hagblood was the first person to be resurrected during the time the Gods couldn't communicate with the material plane and there was no healing magic available. This miracle blessed her and she is and may forever be known as the greatest ruler Kirinzdok ever had. While she was fierce and tough, she was fair and caring toward her people.   The Frost Giants of Kirinzdok number greater than 2,000,000 and represent a vast amount of the empire's citizenship.  

Major Cities and Locations

  Kinetov   Novokirsk   Mekutsk   Shuryiska   Port Vornusk   Port Stuska   Port Mozov   Kropotov   Byisk   Tvalchek   Kieska   Elibnya   Gukozvek   Solnelya   Vorasch   Tolyaskova   Belorvost   Port Noynazka   Port Borisnoy   Kaliskev   Ivangan   Kolovnya   Volorstek   Port Vobotaz   Molovka   Movkar   Rolnesky   Volostrek   Solidovo


The Emperor on the Frozen Throne rules over all others de facto.

Might through Unity; Strength through Loyalty

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The United People's Lands of Kirinzdok
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Kirinzdok doesn't have regional names for its coins.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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