
Muqaba is known for its great magma river that bisects the country. It is the archtype of all deserts: hot, hardpan, with want of rain or water. Those who make it their home do so with great strength, often mining minerals, ore, spices, or panning the magma river for its plentiful mithral deposits that flow "down stream". Muqaba is situated south of Garnax, and is one of the most Eastern settlements in the Easterlunds.  

Government in Muqaba

  Queen Kumari lives in the great Magma palace of Taplebari along the southern Coastline. She is the defacto authority in the country. It is believed by the people of Muqaba that those in power and placed there by the will of the Old Gods. As such all rulers must face a trial of the elements. Any prospective ruler is sent alone into the desert with only a single water skin. They must survive for 2 weeks before returning. Most do, with sun damage, cracked skin, and half alive. The Noble Council was extremely skeptical when the King died leaving only daughters, unwed, behind. The eldest, Kumari was chosen to take up the challenge of the elements and as any King before her, took her water into the desert.   On the 17th day, Queen Kumari returned as if it were her first day departing. She wore clothes she fashioned from desert rhino hide, and at her side had a dagger she forged from a rhino horn. (A dagger she named Desert Tooth and still has to this day.) A side bag she had created from the Rhino leather held food, fruit and another skin of water. She walked up to the council and took out the original water skin. It was still sealed with the same wax seal it had been given to her with. She cracked it, and without a word emptied the water before them. It is said moments later it began to rain for the first time in an age. The water lasted but minutes, but all present saw it for what it was: the Gods chose the Queen. From that moment on she has been granted full and total authority in the Kingdom, unquestioned.  

Economics in Muqaba

  Muqaba operates on the same fundamental principles of trade of coin for good and service as many other countries do as well. Muqaba puts more of a focuse on bartering for changes in prices than other countries do and in most places in Muqaba that is considered the standard.  

Religion in Muqaba

  The Muqaban people believe in what they see. The elements of the desert and primal and harsh, and so too then they worshp Gods that are primal and harsh: the Old Gods.  

Life of the Nobility

  The Palace at Taplebari is hot and humid. It is a powerful combination of the two that makes palace life difficult for all but those accostomed to the desert's weather and conditions. In spite of this Queen Kumari holds court among her people each and every day. She refuses to not hear the plight of the peasants.   Conversely much of the upper nobility lives in the greater citiy which is built outside and away from the mountain where it is significantly cooler. They come to court when called upon but live in relative luxury otherwise.  

Life of the Peasantry

  Muqaba brings a life of work. Not one of industry but one of necesity. To survive the desert is a constant struggle and if the chores are not all complete, should something slip, one may find themselves facing the harshest penalties the arid landscape can bring. Water must be gathered, and food must be earned. Often that necesitates coin. There are jobs aplenty working in the mines, around the cities, or in transport and protection of water deliveries.  

Facts & Lore

  • Abderron meant for the Growing Mountain to be a symbol of his power. He intended to conquor Muqaba eventually for it to be such but never succeeded.
  • The Mithral that can be panned from the magma river is rare. Less than once a year in the same stretch of magma river. Still the people do it because those who do can earn upwards of 100,000 gp per galleon of the liquid ore collected.
  • The Dwarves that lived in the desert in elder days sailed far and away, settling in places like Hastegar across the sea.

Major Towns and Cities:

  • Dread Gate South
  • Bandergail
  • Muvaru
  • Port Basurun
  • Port Tasang
  • Port Palang
  • Port Mudu
  • Port Darbia
  • Baltran
  • Kallarud


Queen Kumari rules from her throne at Taplebari under the shadow the ever growing mountain. The Queen is the classical monarch for the region. Underneath the Queen is the noble council who rule over various city states across the desert. Due to the issues surrounding the landscape and the treachery in traveling it, most of the desert outside of the cities remains unregulated and lawless.

Demography and Population

Elf 25%   Orc 25%   Human 25%   Dragonborn 10%   Dwarf 5%   Other 5%

Ever Growing. Ever Mighty.

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Lava Desert
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Currency is referred to as:   Platinum: Moon   Gold: Sun   Silver: Sky   Copper: Sand
Major Exports
Mithral. The magma river provides mithral ore that is removed by the Muqabban people.
Major Imports
Water - as a desert water is essential for life.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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