
Neihonsi is a mesmerizing realm that mirrors the rich tapestry of a deep, religious, and unique culture while existing within the unforgiving embrace of a sprawling red sand hard pan desert. This enchanting land is under the dominion of a Tiger Folk Lady named Ajra Shawrezi, of a majestic merchat royal family that reigns with feline grace and power, and the money garnered from the spice trade. Amidst the arid dunes, the heart of Neihonsi beats with the rhythm of life, nourished by a single, life-giving river that carves its path through the harsh terrain. It is a land of intrigue and wonder, where the ground yields precious spices from its mines, where the bravest warriors seek glory in the blood arenas, and where bravery is tested from commoner to noble warrior every day.  

Government in Neihonsi

  Lady Ajra Shawrezi is a Trade ruler, and as such she rules because of the position her house is in in the marketplace. Her family has managed silks for hundreds and hundreds of years and has emassed quite a fortune and business experience. There are 10 trade houses in total, and each by way of their houses coin funding the established government, have say in its laws and in its governance. The houses are:  
  • Silks
  • Spices
  • Gems
  • Silver Wares
  • Golden Wares
  • Artworks
  • Leatherworks
  • Incense and Oils
  • Flowers & Honeys
  • Glass & Crystal Wares
  While Ajra doesn't rule in absolute authority the way a godsworn monarch might, she has earned the respect of her people. She and the other lords of the trade houses have shown themselves to be very capable in military and strategy and over the ages have repeatedly repelled both Yastan and Kirinzdok.  

Economics in Neihonsi

  For Neihonsi, coin is everything. Above law. Above Gods. Above all else, coin holds power. There is an almost spiritual belief among the Neihonsi that all things have the spirit, the aura of coin about them. They view value purely in the financial. All things hold value. Words are cheap. Platitudes are cheap. You'll find they flow freely from the mouths of the Neihonsi. But coin and a Neihonsi are not easily parted.  

Religion in Neihonsi

  The Neihonsi worship the New Gods. They favor Erazil among the pantheon and pray often for good fortune in trade and commerce.  

Life of the Nobility

  You would imagine the house of a Noble from Neihonsi to be lavish and furnished with the greatest silks and leathers. That is however not the case. The Noble folk of Neihonsi seek to keep their houses humble. Gold is not to be put out on display. The value they invest in it is a respect and they maintain a sense of modesty regarding their fortunes.  

Life of the Peasantry

  Many of the common folk trade in the marketplace with an equal opportunity as the great trade houses. Some of the trade houses grew from that same way and so the common folk look upon this as a path any could take to both power and wealth. To this end they work tirelessly on their crafts and their guile.  

Facts & Lore

  While Eldland's economy performs markedly better year over year, Neihonsi has the most individuals who are wealthy.   The distribution of wealth in Neihonsi is greater than in any other. The lines between economic classes are the most spread out.   The greatest vault ever created is in Neihonsi. It is the size of a city buried deep into the walls of Wamako canyon.  

Major Towns & Cities

  Port Bafao   Dakoya   Port Louna   Port Azdaga   Berekese   Port Yorng   Port Sabaga   Zabanna   Taingua   Port Rali   Rayata   Abogande   Mabo   Port Taman   Port Manamba   Masla   Port Lashinga   Gremal   Port Brema   Eckrath   Kabare   Grombiro   Port Tikas   Zibinda   Konotia   Port Sodan   Jalingo   Port Duaru   Port Fora   Port Taling

Demography and Population

20% Tigerfolk 20% Leonin 20% Tabaxi 15% Human 15% Dwarf 10% Other

Value in all Things

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Tiger's Eye
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
With the respect and value Neihonsi places on coin, there are no nicknames or local names for currency.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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