
Sharab is north of Nolvala and Porenia and is the west of Garnax, and the south of Ravenhiem and Eldland. Sharab is the archtypical desert when you thin about deserts. It is windy, and full of sand dunes. There are the ocassional oasis but none are easy to find (in fact cartographers have a hard time adding them to maps at all.) Cities exist in places where mortals have set up protections from the heat, the wind, and the sun and where there is some amount of drinkable water.   What sets Sharab apart from other deserts is the Petrified forest of Merizad. Merizad is a wizard of the elder days who discovered transmutation magic. It is said in his death, at the hands of Abderron, a massive wave of transmutation magic errupted turning the forest and what was supposedly a nearby lake, into sand and stone.  

Government in Sharab

  The Sultan rules from the Palace, however that is a bit of a mislead. The Sultan is the ruler but is also the highest religious authority. This is a theocracy, of the faith - the Trinity of Light. Since the first travelers wandered out into the desert there wasn't much. A lot of sand. A lot of wind. Oh, but the Stars! The Moons! The Sun! Those were ever present and the faith in the trinity in Sharab propelled them forward into the leadership system they currently employ.  

Economics in Sharab

  The gemstone and lead mines in Sharab have led to the country having a decent fortune of its own, and the Sultan and leadership are very wealthy in particular. Therefore it is a traditional economy. Most cities, the capital of Aubreen in particular, have bustling and thriving marketplaces and trade caravans brave the journey across the desert every day.  

Religion in Sharab

  As mentioned above, a thriving theocracy to the Trinity of Light. As such the worship of other deities is strictly prohibited by law. The Wearers of Blue and the Wearers of Green stationed in Garnax are instructed under the Sultan's law to bring in anyone violating this commandment.  

Life for the Nobility

  As lush as lush can be in the desert. Fresh fruits, clean water, gold, jewels, fine pillows, linens, silks, and anything their hearts could desire.  

Life for the Peasants

  A life of sand, a life of immense heat with little to do and a life in which there is a tax on using the wells in town. Many spend their days in worship. The trinity of light ceremonies are 1/2 hour long, at dawn, midday and eveningfall.  

Facts & Lore

  The pyramids of Sharab are not for burial though a lot of superstition and tall tales propegate that. The pyramids were used in ancient celestial astronomy and their location has been mathematically linked with such events as the coming of the great darkness. Stargazers from across the world study the pyramids now in the hopes of predicting celestial events.   Sandstorms in Sharab can last for days and can prevent people from leaving their homes. Folk keep water in large clay jugs in their homes just to be preparred.   Each house has a mandated holy symbol of the trinity of light in it. To take it down is a crime.  

Major Towns & Cities

  • Sarusawn
  • Raleen
  • Port Jazarah
  • Port Hulil
  • Port Ardide
  • Port Nilah
  • Radaga
  • Hamukan Mesa


The church, and its head, the Sultan rule over the country with absolute authority. No other religions are to be practiced within the boundaries of the land.

Demography and Population

  • 40% Human
  • 40% Other
  • 10% Desert Tortle
  • 10% Desert Harengon

Each Sand as a Star

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Desert of Light
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
The following are how coins are referred to in Sharab:  
  • Platinum - Lightcoins
  • Gold - Sultans
  • Silver - Stars
  • Copper - Sands
Major Exports
Top export is gemstones & lead.
Major Imports
Top import is water.
Official State Religion


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