The Council of Illumination

The seven current members of the Council of Illumination include:  
  • Council Leader Phineas Hrothgar, the Just
  • Crimson Master Aleksander Reinhardt
  • Father Ezdir the Faithful
  • General Uldor Varnith
  • Master Verullia Sawneer
  • Sunscar, the Striker
  • Wendallia the Moon Caller

Council Leader Phineas Hrothgar, the Just

  Phineas Hrothgar, or just Hrothgar as he often was referred to as, was a member of his tribe's armed forces in Hastegar. His unit was one that fell prey to the Great Darkness when it attacked first in 3340-3A. It left him with a lifelong scar. The next decade saw him became a world renowned athlete competing in the name of Hastegar, before fate siezed him and he met two others, chosen by the Trinity of Light as champions. He was chosen by Lunivast. Phineas more than proved himself in the coming battle and was offered a place on the council after several traitors were removed. To his chagrin he serves as the council's chairman after being universally elected to the role following the conflict against the darkness.  

Crimson Lord Aleksander Reinhardt

  Aleksander Reinhardt was the victim of wanting to do the right thing. Placed on the council because of his knowledge when the previous Crimson Lord fled in the face of danger, Aleksander Reinhardt stood along side the Light's chosen against the darkness. For him it was less heroism than a chance at redemption. He had destroyed a section of the red library that had information on blood magic and sacrifice. This upset Arcetis the previous member of the Council. He ordered Reinhardt to spy on the Light's Chosen but ultimately this led to them being brought together as friends. Reinhardt defied Arcetis nearly to his own demise. He serves on the Council as the new Crimson Lord of Borealis.  

Father Ezdir, the Faithful

  Father Ezdir the faithful was the most loyal servant of the Goddess Lunivast, whom he worships seperate from the Trinity of Light. He was a member of the Chosen of Light as Lunivast's faithful back during the first age. When the darkness was repelled then, he requested Lunivast take his memory of the dark events away. She did, and assigned him to a temple in her service until such time as the next servants of light should come along needing wisdom. He met Hrothgar and the next chosen of light. Ultiamtely during the struggle against the darkness, Ezdir was chosen to represent as high priest on the council, a role he does faithfully every day.  

General Uldor Varnith

  General Uldor Varnith has been fighting since he could first pick up a stick at the age of 4. He fought in his first tribal war at the tender age of 13. It is said he saved three men's lives that day. He rapidly earned a reputation for protecting others and was seen as a general who tried to ensure everyone got home alive, while the battle is still won. Uldor has never issued a retreat, and never lost a battle. For this reason he is the Councilman in charge of military matters, though as of late he works very close with Hrothgar and his expertise on military matters.  

Master Verullia Sawneer

  Half Tabaxi, Half Kobold, this master of the Martial Arts - specifically the 'Way of the 7 Colored Strikes', is not a council member to be underestimated. She is as fierce a warrior as she is a diplomat, but she is a diplomat. She spends much of her days writing to, or traveling to other nations on behalf of Hastegar. She is particularly interested in the Treaty of Sun's Rise which establishes diplomatic relations with Gyledaria and funding from both countries on studying the darkness, and celestial events as a whole.  

Sunscar, The Striker

  Sunscar is humble. Talking to him at the pub you'd never know he is a member of the Council of Illumination, let alone an athlete the likes of which has competed with Hrothgar and Ironhide. Also, he is a black dragon and a grandson of the fabled black dragon son of Tiamat, Klykiarzix. Sunscar may not even be his real name, but it is the one he chose for the games, his Hastegarrian name as he would say. Sunscar has fought in many major battles on the side of Hastegar since he took up his role on the Council. He first came to Hastegar late in the second age. Not much is known of his history before that.  

Wendellia the Moon Caller

  Wendellia is a Blue Dragonborn Cleric of the Trinity of Light. She is not interested and has never been interested in being a high priest. She serves the council as what she would call its 'Civilian Member' and uses her voice on the Council to try to keep them grounded and focused on the people. The most venerable of the council members she is past due for retirement but whereas the council has just undergone change and upheavil she sees it as her duty to be the voice of 'how it once was' for the new comers on behalf of the people.
Crest of the Council
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Leaders of the Divine City   The Seven Guardians of Hastegar   The Illuminated
Ruled Locations