What You Know

Heart of Gold

  "Surzell? The Mountain of Gold went silent years ago child. There is no conflict any longer, no, not since the volcano died. It is as still as the grave, and so too my dear, are our assets' growth."   - Emperor Phentoghast III, Letter to Tenerran 4250-3A   The last erruption of Surzell, the Volcano in Ravenhiem that spews golden magma, was in 4250-3A. Prior to this the volcano errupted nearly every day and the gold was a ready supply to the treasury of the empire. This wealth financed the iron fleet of worships that 200 years ago were stationed the world over when Emperor Phentoghast made his play for world domination on behalf of his father Abderron.   In modern day, the Emperor is gone, and the battle for Surzell has begun to fade to memory as the volcano creates no more gold. However all of that may be changing. A popular mage of the Citadel and world travel Archmage Arnost the Inquisitive believes he may have solved the key to bringing back the gold. The only issue? It requires going into the very heart of Surzell itself, and as we all know, a volcano is a terrible place to spend time.   The call has gone out to every corner of the Empire, and beyond. Will you answer it? Are you preparred to delve into the Heart of Gold?  

The Council of Lenzbourg

  Ravenhiem is currently ruled by L30-D3@rZ3n a warforged who calls himself Emperor despite the fact that the empire fell with Phentoghast. The people adore them and they in turn adore the people. Emperor Leo Dearzen or Emperor Dearzen as he has become known by the people holds open councils. With the history of the dark lord phentoghast and Ravenhiem, he seeks to make sure all council sessions are in the public forum.   Councils include members of the nobility, knights, Emperor Dearzen themself and dignitaries and members of foreign governments. These sessions can take weeks sometimes as they go through massive schedules of topics to discuss. In the latest council meeting, the topic of Arnost's proposal to revist Surzell has come back up. Emperor Dearzen has provisionally agreed to it, provided an adequate team can be assembled to perform the mission. The Council would be to approve the team.   Additionally, Emperor Dearzen swore any gold further retrieved from Surzell would not go to Ravenhiem, but to her allies and to those nations that Abderron and Phentoghast most harmed in the past.  


  In the elder days, Surzell began to spew gold in the form of magma. It was on the side of the great Bornesse River of Eldland and the Eldlandian claimed it for themselves. Mages of Ravenhiem, under the Emperor's orders (at the time it was Emperor Abderron though the people did not know him as such.) shaped the waters and moved the river such that Surzell would be on Ravenhiem's shores. Thus began a ware between the two nations for control of the gold creating mountain.   In more recent days, and for reasons no one knows, the mountain stopped spewing gold. Most common folk believe it simply has run out. Arnost believes that the mountain stopped because of an arcane reason. He claims that study of the mountain before and after has shown a meriad of spell energies have since faded and his expedition seeks to discover the source of this and correct it.  

Arnost the Inquisitive

  Arnost has twice turned down the role of Crimson Lord (the highest ranking Wearer of Red in a given country.) of Ravenhiem, falling in favor to travel the world instead. He calls the role a desk job and wants to be wear the action is.   While his is not young per se, he is also not old. The energy he possesses belies his inquisitive personality. He was a member of the mages group that restored order and balance to the Citadel after the uprising.  

Where we Begin!

  The party is arriving in Lenzbourg in 4495-3A on the 4th day (Skyshimmer) of the 4th month (Blossomwing). The party has either been chosen by Arnost to be a part of the expedition as a trained member of the team or has answered the call for additional muscle and protection force.   We begin as the party arrives in the city. Please create a character that would be answering the call to the summons of the Emperor or the Expedition Team or Arnost the Inquisitve.


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