Skarhir Kos

Commander: Prince Duri Ironspike, Lord Commander of Skarhir Kos, lawful good, male dwarf fighter.

Garrison Troops: 2,500 dwarven Iron Defenders, 2,000 soulforged Holy Defenders, 1,500 halfling Mastiff Riders

Special Forces: Iron Berserkers, Iron Cannoneers, Crow Riders

The dwarven lords were slow to answer the call to defend the world, but once they did, they came in force. Of all the fortresses on the pit, their walls have never been breached by invaders, a point of pride for the haughty dwarves.

The dwarves rely on halfling skirmishers from The Warmshires, especially the Crow Riders, to provide cover and scouts for their slow moving infantry.

The Unbroken Walls of Skarhir Kos


Crow Riders Roost


The Tortoise - The Crawling City

Skarhir Kos

Shield Against Chaos

Skarhir Kos Square by Chris L - Midjourney
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Kirinal Concordance Zone

The Kirinal Concordance Zone was created around the Kirinal Pit to act as a buffer zone to defend against interplanar invasions. The Pit is a 30-mile hole in reality that chaotically manifests a different world or plane at random times.

Eventually, the people of Erathia tamed the Pit, setting it on a schedule so that an ordered succession of planes would appear over the Days of the Week.

Cover image: Skarhir Kos Header by Chris L - Midjourney


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