
Most humans in New Angeles are pretty normal—at least from a biological point of view. While bioroids and clones work in all levels of industry, the first generations of people born on other worlds have grown up and had kids of their own, and though science allows people to rebuild their bodies as they see fit, “naturals” still make up the vast majority of humanity. At their core, naturals resemble their ancestors going back a few thousand years, even if they do carry a PAD, have a fit-chip implant, or sport a biolumin tattoo. The wealthiest naturals may benefit from some minor genetic modifications that weed out hereditary diseases, but most naturals have the same genetic baseline template as their grandparents and great-grandparents.

Of course, despite these commonalities, most naturals vary wildly from one another. Naturals hail from every nation and locale on Earth, from the cosmopolitan streets of Kampala and the inland wilds of Australia to the low-income housing projects of Esmeraldas and the undercity alleys of Base de Cayambe in New Angeles. Naturals are part of every creed, country, and ethnicity on Earth, and just about any natural may have come seeking their fortune on the streets of New Angeles.


Naturals can take to any career and background well, and they fit almost anywhere into the Shadow of the Beanstalk setting. They start with a balanced set of statistics, not being overly strong in any one area, but not being weak in any, either. Naturals also start with more skills and experience than other archetypes, meaning that they give you the most flexibility and customization options when building your character.

In Shadow of the Beanstalk, naturals are the most common (and accepted) type of person in New Angeles. In every respect, they are the “average person” of the setting, who can get along with almost everyone and be accepted in most places without a second glance. If you like the idea of playing an ordinary person who has to rise to extraordinary heights over the course of a game, a natural is the right choice for you.

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  • Starting Wound Threshold: 10+Brawn
  • Starting Strain Threshold: 10+Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 120

  • Starting Skills: A natural starts with one rank in each of two different non-career skills at character creation. They obtain this rank before spending experience points, and these skills may not be increased higher than rank 2 during character creation.
  • Ready for Anything: Once per session as an out-of-turn incidental, you may move one Story Point from the Game Master’s pool to the players' pool.



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