NBN Headquarters

As is appropriate for the most prominent megacorp in the infotainment industry, the entirety of the outside of NBN’s corporate arcology is a single vidscreen. It displays hundreds of different news and entertainment broadcasts at once (which, to NBN’s credit, is only a fraction of the media it controls), creating a riotous display of light and color. In stark contrast, the building’s vaulted atrium is an open and airy space done entirely in white, from the elegant chairs and couches arranged in conversation pods to the walkways that arch overhead. The only splash of color is a holographic NBN logo rotating slowly in the air. These aesthetics continue back into the arcology’s main office areas and are said to reflect CEO Victoria Jenkins’s own personal tastes. While NBN may present a facade of riotous information overload, behind closed doors, the corporation maintains the focus and discipline needed to be the leader in its field.

Unsurprisingly, the corporate HQ for NBN maintains immense server farms in the basement of the building. These are the most securely guarded portions of the arcology, protected by hundreds of armed and well-trained corporate security personnel and defended from cyberthreats by intimidating ice backed up by teams of ever-vigilant sysops. However, these underground facilities need huge electronic trunk lines to download and upload data, as well as vast cooling systems to distribute waste heat. Both run through the core of the NBN arcology all the way to the roof: a necessary weak point that gives those in charge of NBN’s security teams constant fits.

Arcology / Residential Complex
Parent Location


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