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February 3229

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February 3229

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wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
These scenes are glimpses into everyday lives of people across the sector. Each one is no more than 100 words long, in celebration of reaching 100 followers.  


A water planet whose cities are on the backs of giant turtle-like creatures.
A night planet and home to a renowned psionic academy.
A low-tech planet being uplifted to modern standards.
A planet notorious for its fast-growing and aggressive plant life.
A planet that outlaws psionics, but has the most unearthed alien ruins.

Dare to Dream

Getting in was the easy part, and Parvati already sweat through her clothes just doing that.

There was a reason for the increase in security drones during the Joining - with the city dark and everyone busy, it’s the perfect time for crime. Nobody talked about it, but anyone who plotted anything did it during the dive. Thefts, espionage, sabotage…

Parvati didn’t want to be a criminal, but her entire future was on the line. She had to break into her school and change her grades, else she’d never get into her preferred university.



Love and War

A pale, blonde Academy student waited for a lull in laughter to tap the side of an open door. The Radan students inside stopped their braiding to address her.

“Sweety, your hair won’t take braids well.”

“I don’t–. I want to learn. How to braid. For-for someone else.” Her face turned bright red as she twisted the hem of her shirt.

The laughter returned and the newcomer was swept inside. Braiding parties weren’t unique to Radan students, but theirs made them feel like they were home again. They’d gladly teach someone how to give others that feeling.



Gnawing Emptiness

A grumbling filled the tunnels, but it was only Lena’s stomach. She’d been so focused on scanning alien carvings she’d forgotten to eat again. Being this far underground, she didn’t even have sunlight to help track the time.

There was something about the tedium of the project that became meditative. Seeking out grooves that are just a little too regular to be natural, scanning the surface, and filing it away.

It almost made her forget she was on a planet some colleagues were outlawed from visiting. Until her stomach reminded her of the absence of her usual lunch partner.



Peace in Nature

Isaac sat at a ledge and watched the pink and orange of sunset take over the sky. It’d taken him most of the day to get to this peak. It was a familiar one, and one of his favorites for the view.

He wasn’t sold on all the new technology arriving on Talmar, but the new tents took seconds to set up. It gave him that much more time to simply enjoy.

Maybe one day he won’t be alone up here, and visitor’s centers and gondolas will mar the view. Until that day, he’d continue enjoying the peace and solitude.



No Other Way

As if the glaring alarm and stubbed toe weren’t enough, Ciro entered the kitchen to see a vine inching toward his coffee beans. So he did what any self-respecting Monhalian would do, and began yelling at it.

“No! Coffee is not for plants! Out out out, go!”

The vine began to shrivel back, releasing its grasp on the cabinet. Ciro’s kids charged in to help, buzzing their kazoos to scare the vine back out the window where it came from.

“Other planets don’t have sound-shy, coffee-stealing plants,” he muttered. But in his heart, he knew he’d never live anywhere else.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


Author's Notes

This was a fun challenge, not only to write such short stories, but to make each one distinct to the person and location it features. Which was your favorite?

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Sep 4, 2024 19:35 by Mochi

I love this, a great way to celebrate hitting 100 followers! :D I think my favourite is Love and War, I hope she learned how to braid :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Sep 4, 2024 19:37 by Nimin N

Thank you for sharing these. They were all lovely, but I found Love and War especially endearing and Gnawing Emptiness evoked that 'I'd like to read more' interest. And congrats to your milestone!

Sep 5, 2024 19:29 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! The good new for you is I'll likely be writing more about the location featured in Gnawing Emptiness later this year :)

Sep 5, 2024 20:35 by Nimin N

Oh, cool! I'll look forward to it!

Sep 6, 2024 15:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Congratulations on 100 followers!! <3   This is such a fun idea. It's interesting to see a little slice of people's lives, and all of them make me want to know more. :)   My favourite is 'No Other Way'. “No! Coffee is not for plants! Out out out, go!”