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February 3229

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Metadimensional Space

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
After centuries of study, we barely know anything about the metadimension. Physics as we know it doesn't apply to this alterior space, and its dangers make prolonged study impossible. We know two key things: Firstly that traversing it is vital to our interstellar way of life, and secondly, that doing so invites its energies into our minds.

The Metadimension

Metadimensional space, or the metadimension, is a higher-order continuum that exists alongside our universe. What was originally called "dark matter" was eventually proven to be this separate plane of existence "bleeding" through to ours and pushing our universe apart. If this metadimension could interact with our universe, then it seemed only logical that we could find ways to interact with it  


In and Out

Today, the Spike Drive allows ships to traverse metadimensional space. This traversal lead to MES - a condition that causes metadimensional energy to invade the brain. If controlled, this becomes Psionics. If not, the individual becomes a Feral psion.   Though current technology can't send individuals into metadimensional space, it's theorized the psionic discipline of
Icon for Teleportation
Teleportation does exactly that.

Space and Time

Pathways through the metadimension don't align with distances in our universe. This is how these pathways can connect opposite ends of the galaxy in a week of travel, but keep a stellar neighbor impossibly far away.   The dimension may also affect time or our perception of it. These theories of a potential quantum nature of the metadimension would explain certain aspects of psionics, such as
Icon for Precognition

Empty Graveyard

Did you know?

Many describe a feeling of weightlessness upon entering the metadimension, even if the ship's artificial gravity is turned of. Some also report hearing a buzzing sound, feeling a tingling sensation across their scalp, and sometimes a faint taste of strawberries.
The metadimension is a dark, iridescent void that's constantly shifting and changing. No planets, stars, landmarks, or other physical object has ever been found. Not even sign of the drones and ships that have entered the space and never returned. Few have risked following SOS beacons through the space, and none have found what they sought.  



Fuel Reserves
Specific fuel is needed to travel the metadimension, and getting lost can easily mean becoming trapped.
Shifting Pathways
The ever-shifting nature of the metadimension means pathways can also change or disappear if not maintained.
Metadimensional Storms can disrupt pathways, damage or destroy ships, or throw them off their intended course.


Centuries ago, "metaphysics" was a field of philosophy that examined the structure of reality. Over time, those who studied the metadimension came to be called metaphysicists, and metaphysics became the partner to astrophysics.   Philosophers of formerly-known-as metaphysics held onto the name for as long as they could, but eventually the field divided into protaphilosophy, which focuses on the initial conditions of the universe, and zoiphilosophy, which focuses on concepts of life and identity.

Related Fields

Space Travel
Pilots reach other stellar systems by way of the metadimension
Psions control metadimensional energy to perform superhuman feats
Surveying the metadimension for new, safer, or faster pathways
You talk like the metadimension is a thinking being, but it's no more alive than the wind. It can't have wants or intent. To claim it does is wishful thinking, that there's some malicious force out there you can blame your problems on.
— Exhasperated metaphysicist

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


Author's Notes

This article was written as part of Summer Camp 2024. Follow the link to learn more and read other Summer Camp articles.

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Jul 5, 2024 12:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The metadimension fills me with a weird kind of existential dread.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 12, 2024 20:03 by Rin Garnett

The exact kind of existential dread I was aiming for! :D

Jul 12, 2024 13:20 by E. Christopher Clark

I love that, after reading this, I am equal parts "I wanna go there NOW!" and "Keep away!"

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Jul 12, 2024 20:05 by Rin Garnett

Perfect time to entrust your fate to the flip of a coin! Heads, stay home. Tails, embrace the void

Aug 4, 2024 17:28 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

This is really fascinating and such a great way to explain space travel and extra power. All those sects feel like such superstition, but at the same time when you described what people feel when entering the metadimension, I can't help but doubt...

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 12, 2024 17:24 by Rin Garnett

When science doesn't have an answer, people often fill in their own...and some people get very creative with their explanations