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February 3229

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Phoenix Nuggets

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
A fool and his coin are quickly parted
  Whether perusing the food courts of RS802 or market stalls on the streets of Abraia Central, certain seedy food vendors will have special items like phoenix nuggets, fried phoenix, leg of phoenix, and more, and all at outrageous prices.   While the name implies these are products derived from the rare bird from Rada, there a few key facts that make this impossible:
  1. The phoenix has deep cultural significance to Radan and is under their fierce protection.
  2. The average phoenix is larger than your average groundcar.
  3. Rada is under violent control of the Emerald Legion, prohibiting commercial imports/exports.
On every menu offering these, there's a tiny asterisk leading to tinier text informing the reader that the meal is not, in fact, made out of phoenix meat, but rather a far more common bird. Frequently, the most accessible chicken-equivalent, and not at all worth the pricetag.
It's not false advertising because people don't read the fine print!
— A scheming vendor
  Yet humankind has rarely been known for their common sense, and enough people fall for this charade to keep the business afloat. The issue has been raised with various fair trade boards on different planets to little effect, and locations like RS802 and Nisora are more likely to support the swindler.  
I don't know what's worse, that they claim to kill and cook the phoenix, or that people are willing to buy it.
— Radan traveller
As more Radan traverse the stars, some vendors are finding they've bit off more than they can chew. A shell-shocked refugee may be reluctant to speak up, but a resistance fighter stepping away from the war to help their family will have little qualms about shouting down a sketchy food seller mocking their culture.


Lower than the vendor sells for
More common than the vendor will claim
Like chicken
Like chicken

Further Reading

Species | Jun 8, 2024

A massive psionic bird that's the symbol of resistance on Rada.

Author Commentary

Sure, Jan
These exist because one of my player characters insisted he ate fried phoenix all the time. That didn't make sense with the worldbuilding, but someone lying about what they sold sure did.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


Author's Notes

This article was written as part of Summer Camp 2023. Follow the link to learn more.

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Aug 5, 2023 19:34 by Enoris Leinwand

I first, when reading the title, questionned one's ability to cook a phoenix. I really liked this reading and the sidebar made me smile a lot. It was funny to read and very realistic, knowing people tend to want to make profit out of everything. I love the insert of quotation, making it more lively.

Aug 6, 2023 13:43 by Rin Garnett

Thank you! Always fun to figure out how people lie and cheat in your world :D

Aug 20, 2023 21:42 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Tastes like chicken because it is chicken!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 20, 2023 23:44 by Rin Garnett

And if you're lucky, it might have ~*herbs and spices*~!