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Luciana Galanodel

Luciana Galanodel (a.k.a. Luci)

Luciana is a high elf with a sage background. Her draconic ancestry was awakened after finding a crystal that would end up being her arcane focus and her thirst for knowledge and curiosity of adventure drove her to leave home after realizing she could cast spells. She studied under a magic user named Cecil who taught her how to control her magic but could not offer answers as to its source.   Growing up, Luciana was a little more rough around the edges socially. She was always asking questions, always had something clever to say, and never quite knew when to mind her own business. She gained more tact in her adulthood as well as more patience. Luciana is eager to share her knowledge with anyone willing to listen and learn. She tends to form hardset opinions on people and for her first impressions are important.   Luciana came across The Silvertongues on her journey to Candlekeep, and has been traveling with them ever since. She died once, but she got better.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender with narrower hips, modest chest, and slightly muscled calves from months of traveling on foot, Luciana's build does not boast much physical strength but she carries herself with a carefully measured intensity.

Body Features

A pair of golden, slightly ridged horns protrude from her hairline, curving back and extending to the tips of her ears. Her nails are more like claws at this point.

Facial Features

Luciana has high cheekbones, straight-bridged nose, thinner lips, and long elegant Elven ears. Her eyes are almond-shaped with thick lashes and her gaze has grown colder over time, but there is still a softness to her.

Identifying Characteristics

Thick patches of golden dragon scales cover primarily the right side of her body and most of her face, only just starting to extend to the left side. She has a faded lotus flower tattoo on her left hip.

Apparel & Accessories

Various rings adorn her slender fingers; four plain copper bands, a silver ring with a large cut amethyst with 'Our moon and stars' inscribed on the inner band, and a platinum band on her left index finger. A clear crystal flecked with inclusions of gold is wire wrapped and hangs on a leather cord around her neck often hidden under her shirt or cloak. A silver headband rests across her forehead with a green gem in the middle, the metal in elegant yet simple swirling patterns around it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luciana Galanodel was born in a well-to-do elven family and was taught at a young age that knowledge was power. She craved it, and while the other children would run around playing Luciana would rather be in her family’s library pouring over another book. Some topics interested her more than others, particularly anything involving magic or science. She loved stories of great wars of the past, dangerous fights with exotic beasts and creatures, powerful men and women succumbing to their inevitable downfall but not before doing something epic or terrible, and often daydreamed of being part of a greater story. Despite being the odd duck out she never truly considered a life of adventure a reality. She kept to her studies throughout her teenage years, watching many of her friends begin to train in war or medicine or arcana, and with a tinge of envy she encouraged them. Her father, a noble elf Paladin, attempted to train her with a sword but to no real avail. Enough to defend herself if she had to, but she had a better eye for ranged weaponry.

Despite growing up in the outskirts of Silverymoon, Luciana rarely wandered into the city itself unless running errands or visiting the Vault of Sages. She would accompany her mother on day trips now and then but even as she grew of age to be traveling alone she kept to her family’s property. She was not as social as her peers and during childhood it was difficult to find folks that could tolerate her questions for long periods of time.

Luciana spent much of her adolescence wondering what her place in life was meant to be; if she would ever join her friends in their lives of adventure, or tend to her beloved library and learn as much as she possibly could. Until one day while walking her younger brother home from a playdate in the gardens, she found a crystal poking out of the ground near a tree. They had traversed this path hundreds of times growing up and never once did she find anything more than a common rock or toadstool growing among the foliage. Her curiosity got the best of her and she plucked it from the soil, brushing it clean, and held it in the palm of her hand. Holding it filled her with a warmth she didn’t understand but was familiar to her somehow, as if recognizing it from a different lifetime. It was clear and flecked with gold, unlike any crystal she had read about. She spent hours researching when she returned home, pulling out every book on crystals, rocks, and minerals she could find, and she was able to find crystals that were similar in shape or color but not exact. The longer she sat with it in her pocket the more familiar it felt, and she decided to keep it. She asked her friend to wrap it with a copper wire she plucked from one of her necklaces she no longer wore, and strung it on a leather cord to keep around her neck hidden under her clothes.

Nothing was quite the same after she found that crystal. At first it was subtle enough; candles seemed to glow brighter to her, she often found herself lost in thought staring at the fireplace longer than usual imagining intricate shapes in the flames. One late night during her studies she knocked a candle to the floor and set the hem of a curtain ablaze and in a panic, but almost instinctively, she waved her hand and the flame dispersed. She sat stunned for a moment before concluding it must have been a draft from the window that was enough to snuff the flame, but not without noticing the warmth that lingered at her fingertips.

The first to notice was her mother, who unbeknownst to Luciana had been waiting anxiously for the day her daughter’s abilities awakened. As soon as she saw the clear as day shapes in the flames she knew Luciana was ready. She took the tomes she had hidden away in her bedchambers and set them on the library desk for Luciana to delve into. But for once in her life, reading wasn’t enough for Luciana. The more she knew the more she wanted to experience for herself, and so her mother arranged an apprenticeship for her right before she reached adulthood. She studied under the tutelage of a family friend, Cecil, learning to control her abilities and understand how they worked. At first she believed the crystal to be the source, but the more she used magic the sooner she realized it came from her. She felt especially connected to fire magic.

The harder she trained and stronger she grew, however, she began to notice changes in herself aside from the expected that come with aging. Her hair grew glossier and darker, patches of thin golden scales began forming across her skin, and her right eye once light blue flecked with gold turned now entirely golden with a narrowed slit of pupil. Cecil knew of Draconic sources of magic but not enough to provide answers for her. All of her knowledge of dragons was through books and research, and while the physical changes worried her, the desire to know more about the source of her magic was too strong to ignore. Once she had learned all she could from her teacher, she set out into the world hoping to find her place in it and to continue honing her magic.

Gender Identity

Luciana identifies and presents as female, using she/her pronouns.


Luciana is bisexual. All of her romantic involvements in her young adulthood ended poorly, too self-absorbed and reclusive to put the effort and care into anything long-term. It took her falling particularly hard for someone to realize just how painfully lonely she actually was and that if she didn't get her priorities in check she would stay that way.

Mental Trauma

Hoo boy...someday I'll sit down and unpack all of this.

Morality & Philosophy

Raised by a paladin, Luciana was taught that the greater good of the whole outweighs the comforts of the individual. She believes knowledge is power and is more important than fortunes or strength.

Personality Characteristics


Originally motivated to seek knowledge of the magic she possesses, the events that have transpired since she has been with The Silver Tongues have set her towards far loftier goals. They have an apocalypse to stop, their homes to save, and (though she would be hard pressed to admit this out loud) limits of her growing power to test.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Luciana is a capable researcher and linguist after spending most of her younger years trying to absorb as much information as was available to her. She has a knack for arcane knowledge though not by formal education. With the Headband of Charisma boosting her natural charm as well as her newer Draconic features, Luciana is fairly persuasive and intimidating.
Ineptitudes: Most feats of strength are well outside her wheelhouse, though she has an eye for ranged weaponry and can be rather dexterous in a pinch. She is not comfortable in large social situations and doesn't pick up on subtleties of the romantic persuasion easily.

Likes & Dislikes

Luciana likes any and every book she can get her hands on, writing in quiet nooks tucked away from any hustle and bustle, and sharing her knowledge with anyone willing to listen. She prefers non-alcoholic beverages like milk and teas, to observe in a crowded room rather than engage, sweet and light food over anything spicy or heavy, to spend time she used to take for granted with the people she cares about.
Luciana is not a fan of open water, heights, feeling belittled or discredited, large social gatherings, and most creepy crawlies.

Virtues & Personality perks

Luciana is patient (to a point), loyal to those she cares about, forgiving, and always willing to lend a hand to those in need if she can. Her experiences on her journey have taught her to stay humble, to persevere, and to be critical.

Vices & Personality flaws

Luciana grew up in a position of privilege she only recently realized her naivety to.
Once she considers something to be a 'correct' course of action she is hard pressed to stray from this decision. She is learning the hard way that morality is not as cut and dry as it is in the fairytales she grew up on.
She is quick to anger and her demeanor can often come across as pretentious.

Personality Quirks

When Luciana is nervous or overstimulated she twists her amethyst ring and takes to writing in her journal to gather herself.
She is easily flustered by flirtatious or romantic advances.
Only her friends can call her Luci. Only if she is very comfortable with someone will she use or approve of being called pet names such as darling or dear.


The life of an adventurer has forced her to deal with putting hygiene on the back burner far more often than she would prefer; ideally she would fully bathe every day as cleanliness is important to her. At the very least she tries to keep her hair and hands as clean as she can.


Contacts & Relations

Methrammar Aerasumé - High Lord of Silverymoon, point of contact for The Silvertongues' contract with the city.
Cecil Theran - Wizard who studied at the Conclave and is part of the Spellguard, promoted to Master of Spies after the quelled rebellion spurred by the Queen of Plagues, and close friend of the family. Luciana was Cecil’s apprentice for three years before she set out on her own, and in those three years the pair grew close. She considers her one of her best friends and trusts her entirely.

Family Ties

Ara Galanodel - Mother, High Elf, straight brown hair often kept in a loose bun, blue eyes. Luciana could never forget her round face and kind eyes, always understanding and willing to listen. She was always closest to her mother and did her best to make her proud.
Coryn Galanodel - Father, High Elven paladin of Sehanine, black shoulder length hair with wisps of silver throughout, green eyes, high cheekbones and elegantly sloping nose that Luciana inherited. Despite his efforts to train Luciana in battle he knew she was never going to follow the same path he did, and settled for making sure she at least knew how to protect herself and who her allies were in life.
Riven Galanodel - little brother, short dark brown wavy hair, freckles, green eyes, Elven, much younger than Luciana. Riven was adopted about ten years before Luciana left home and in those ten years she protected him fiercely and spent as much time with him as she could.

Religious Views

Luciana grew up worshiping Sehanine as her family did, but truly felt connected to her later in life aside from that. She has the symbol of Sehanine painted on the leather cording she uses to tie her hair back at night with to invite divinity into her dreams and ties it around her wrist when traveling with hopes of Sehanine blessing her journey.


Riven Galanodel


Towards Luciana Galanodel


Luciana Galanodel


Towards Riven Galanodel


Wealth & Financial state

The Galanodel Family is well off and is considered upper-middle class. They are not true nobility by bloodlines but hold more connections and reputation within the city than most middle class families.

A High Elven Draconic origin (Gold) sorceress from Silverymoon. Bookish, fierce, and a bit awkward.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Given her father's recent promotion she is probably technically a Lady now, but would never introduce herself as such or enforce the use of the title.
Riven Galanodel (Brother)
Draconic, golden with slit pupils
Glossy blueish-black, thick and wavy, elbow length and rarely tied back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Some of the greatest names in history earned their place in it by defying orders they felt were unjust."
  • "Can you not."

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