Disaster / Destruction
How the independent kingdoms of the Aramante Region began to unify.
500 years ago, the Orc clans of Dead Man’s Passage in an unprecedented feat, unified under one banner and militarized themselves against the civilized world. They invaded from the north and laid waste to the lands and kingdoms of men. Reinforced by mercenary wizards, the lands were ravaged and ransacked with the orc army pillaging any wealth they could find. Nalepo, being the first city outside of the Passage was nearly destroyed by the onslaught of orcs. That’s when the Empire was solidified and the smaller kingdoms formed one cohesive alliance. The newly unified empire pushed back the orcs to the north into Nalepo. Nalepo was the final stand of the orcs when the Kingdoms of Dorione, Mudston, and Northfel unified and allied with the Elvish kingdom of Sylvan to fight back the orcs. Nalepo was fortified by the orcs and the battle was at a standstill. Known as The Year of War, Nalepo was a ground of constant warring with attrition pushing either side back and forth. It wasn’t until the previously reclusive Dragonborn kingdom of Dragon’s Keep, after finishing a war against the Dwarven Kingdom of Brastapor came forth and slaughtered the orc’s behind their own front, taking the city of Nalepo as their own. The battles for domination over the land, however, destroyed much of the caverns and towns across the land.