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Fires on the Wall

General Summary

Prior to Session:   During Session:
  • On 21 Leirius, 37 CE, Fort Veria was captured in the middle of the night with a large group of revolutionaries suddenly appearing into the fort. Hamel and Espen managed to escape and regroup just outside the fort's walls.
  • They visit the nearby city of Verstallis, and found many of the non-human citizens celebrating in the streets, with the human citizens nowhere to be seen.
  • After meeting briefly with a friendly goblin merchant named Grimic Fasthands, who was temporarily hiding a human family trying to escape the city.
  • They managed to smuggle the family out of the city, steal a wagon, and sent the family on their way.
  • Making their way back to the fort, Hamel and Espen decide the best point of entrance would be the opposite side of the fort from the main entrance. After several attempts to toss Hamel's axe as a grappling hook, they attracted the attention of one of the elvish anarchists, who Espen charmed and convinced to to let down a rope.
  • They took their new companion to the nearby bathrooms, collecting various information about the revolutionaries, and knocked him out.
  • Hamel and Espen cleared out several of the revolutionaries attempting to break into the fort's jail, freeingUther Outerbridge. The party came up with a plan to throw barrels of flammable material which they could get from the kitchen/pantry into the crowd of anarchists gathered at the fort's inner courtyard.
  • After clearing out several guards in the kitchen, the party freed several members of The Silver Legion locked in the cellar basement.
  • While Uther attacked several members of the anarchists and escorted members of the Silver Legion carrying various barrels upstairs, Hamel and Espen explored a series of old elvish ruins in the fort's basement.
  • The party launched an attack on the gathered anarchists, using flammable barrels and coordinated attacks to defeat the anarchists, including an elf warrior wielding Xarn's Blade and an orc mage.
Report Date
27 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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