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Lunal and the 42 Fallen Stars

Long before the Ursae lived among the Devil's Teeth Range, they lived at the top of an impossibly tall mountain. This mountain was so tall, it was higher than the sun and moon, and was constantly in starlight. The Ursae were extremely peaceful, and their eternal night was filled with stories and games.   Of the Ursae, Lunal was a young cub, full of curiosity. One day, he looked down from the mountaintop and wondered what the world was like. He started to make the slow climb down the mountain, however, he stopped partway as he heard his mother call him for dinner. Each day Lunal left earlier and earlier, only to turn around for dinner. On the third day he managed to make it past the sun and the moon. On the seventh day he managed to reach below the clouds.   On the eighth day, he reached the plateau at the bottom of the mountain, and he saw a rainbow in the nearby rain. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and he wanted to share this vision with his people. He raced back up the mountain, shouting to his people the entire way. When he arrived, he told his friends and family of the sights he had seen; of the sun, the moon, and the rainbow. Some of them were worried. The world below sounded so strange and new. Lunal reassured them that it was a wonderful place, and that he had made the journey safely many times.   Although his experience was reassuring to his listeners, only 42 of them agreed to join him the next day. The following morning, his mother packed him a quick lunch, and sent him down the mountain with a kiss.   The journey down was uneventful, with Lunal leading down a now well-known path. Upon arriving again at the plateau, his followers rejoiced. They immediately set up camp, and started exploring the below world. They stayed there for seven days, during which they saw rainbows, wildflowers, the morning dew, and a thousand other beautiful things. However, the Ursae became homesick, and soon wanted to return to their mountaintop.   On the morning of the eighth day, the Ursae packed up their camp and started climbing the mountain. However, as soon as they had reached the top of the clouds, they found that the way home had disappeared. Where once was an impossibly large mountain to the stars, now was just a mountain. The Ursae had lost their way home.   Every morning, Lunal climbed the mountain to check if it had returned, but it never did. His followers scattered to the wind, forming the 42 tribes of the Ursae.   It is said that the Ursae will one day return to their mountaintop home, and be greeted by the sound of Lunal's mother calling them for dinner.


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