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The Origin of the Ursae

The evolution of the Ursae has been a subject of debate. There are some scholars that claim that the evolution happened over time biologically, and some others that say that they’ve existed since the beginning of time. However, the Ursae themselves believe that they came from the top of a mountain so high, that they were above the sun and moon.  

Lone Settlements

A traveller would scarcely find an Ursan settlement without either dumb luck or specific coordinates. The Ursae pride themselves in their connection with nature, along with their disconnect from urban centers. This separation doesn’t come from malice, however, simply a difference in ideals. The exact number of Ursae is unknown, although they traditionally maintain that there are 42 tribes.  

Tribal Communities

Ursae, by nature, are tribal beings. They have a kinship with one another, and venerate their elders. Their homes usually consist of either large tepees or longhouses made up of leather and furs. There is a strong sense of interconnectedness and codependency. Everyone has a role in their community, and they attempt to fulfill it to the fullest extent.  

Ursae in Wyrring

Tribes of Ursae can be found across the Devil's Teeth Range.  

Ursan Names

As cubs, Ursae children are given temporary names by their parents. They're often silly in nature, and tend to be endearing. As adults however, male Ursae tend to gravitate towards hearty, strong names, while female Ursae prefer mystical and feminine names.  

Ursae and the Stars

Ursae have an extreme fascination with the stars, and very often stay up very late just to stare into the cosmos. It is said that they have stories not just for every constellation, but for every individual star. Because of this, they are widely renowned for their navigational skills.


ability score increase: Your Strength Score increases by 2.
age: Ursae tend to have slightly longer lifespans than human, usually living until 120.
alignment: Ursae tend to be neutral good. Their community comes before all else. While they will stop at nothing to protect those they love, they are inherently good-hearted creatures.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common
race features:
Primal Instincts: As an Ursae, you have a keen connection to the wilds around you. You can naturally speak to animals as if under the effects of Speak with Animals.

Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Starwalkers: Ursae spend much of their nights staring up at the stars. You can no longer be lost whenever you can see the stars. After spending half an hour mediating the stars, you know your exact location in the world, as well as general navigation directions.

Claws: Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 slashing damage.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female Names: Agatha, Bahar, Bellatrix, Blair, Blossom, Dara, Vanessa

Masculine names

Male Names: Argus, Ajax, Caius, Galdric, Herald, Mason, Peet, Troldor

Other names

Cub Names: Airwalker, Gemeye, Indigo, Motley, Pinkfoot, Southpaw, Trix

Articles under Ursae


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