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Credit to Patrick Beaulieu
  Level 5 Sentient Sword
Godforged of Bellator
Chaotic Good
  Str: 17
Dex: 9
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 9
Cha: 13

  I was once just a regular commoner dude living in a town in the Dwemni Empire. I think it would be cool if I had some random skill that makes no sense for a sword to have but related to the occupation that I had as a person, like I was a baker and now I still have a ton of baking knowledge or something. The town I was in would have been part of a country/empire that was at war with the adjacent country/empire.
  At some point a group of soldiers from the other empire came through the town and sacked it and in the process murdered my wife and children. I was kinda pissed, so I went to the temple of the war god Bellator and prayed for the ability to avenge my family. He made me the most powerful soldier in the whole of the two empires (I’m imagining this as kind of a Greece v Rome thing but it doesn’t have to be that). With my newfound power I was able to track down the band of soldiers and get my revenge (would be some slight-to-moderate torture involved).
  It would have been a kind of euphoric rush, and I would have went on to join the imperial legion for the empire I was in. I would go on to lead the legion to many important victories in battle as we went on to conquer most of the neighbouring empire. But I had become too bloodthirsty, war was now the only thing I thought about, and I was sacking and pillaging towns much like the one I had lived in, even if it was unnecessary for the legion’s goals. Initially back in the empires I was just called vanquisher, which is understandable enough given how much conquering we did, and at that point I couldn’t talk so I couldn’t really argue.
  Eventually this got to a point where I didn’t really even enjoy the rush of doing it anymore, I was addicted and I needed it. Knowing it had to stop, I vowed to Bellator that I would never do battle for him again. Of course Bellator the god didn’t take very well to this, as the more war happing the further his influence reached, and I had kind of pledged my life to him, so I was never going to get away with the no violence thing. Bellator has kind of a twisted sense of humour, not unexpectedly, and he thought it would be funny to punish my heresy by turning me into a sword so that my sole purpose was what I had vowed to never do again. But he went one step further, and placed me in possession of the highest ranking general remaining in the rival empire, who used me to overthrow the imperial legion I was a part of, using me to kill those who I once fought beside as friends.
  Eventually the rival legion conquered the entirety of both countries and I was no longer needed, so I was hung in the palace of the imperial ruler (the general that had me), and passed down through his family as their most precious heirloom. (You don’t age as a sword you see, so I was there for several hundred years, only taken out on special festival days. At least it was better than killing people).
  As empires tend to do, this one eventually fell to a new force led by a new god/goddess (I don’t have the handbook so I don’t know who but I can probably figure that out), while they were taking the palace in battle he/she came to me (I give off a bit of a celestial aura you see) and gave me a voice to speak to him/her with. I explained to him/her my story and while he/she said that he/she didn’t have the power to change me back to my human form himself/herself, that she would grant me some abilities so that I could start to go about finding someone who could (ego).
  I was then placed on a trading ship leaving the empire to start my journey to humanity. It’s been several centuries since then and I have changed hands a bunch of times to various warriors who spoke of magic and sorcery (beings with the power of a war god are quite hard to find it turns out).
  Pact of the moon I was given by the first people that acquired me after getting off the trading ship, who used me to form some sort of binding agreement with a rival forest tribe under the light of a full moon, I often wonder what happened to that pact after I persuaded the travelling druids to take me from the stump that they had embedded me in when they had made the pact.
  Breaker of the undying was given to me by an elf that called himself a necromancer who was travelling the lands trying to get people to join his army for the inevitable end of the world where he would raise the dead and conquer all of the lands. Turns out he was not a necromancer but was just very good at lying about it, which unfortunately was useless to me.
  After being owned by the druids I came into the possession of a large family of ogres who decided it would be a fun weekend activity to come murder some druids (I didn’t really support this but I really wanted to get away from the leather dude and this was marginally better). None of them really all, they mainly communicated through a series of grunts and eccentric hand gestures. The ogres were much too large to actually wield me so I was given to one of the younger ones who mostly treated me as some sort of physical manifestation of his imaginary friend. My best guess is that it some point they had invaded village at some point where someone had yelled out for a man named Stanley because that’s what he started to call me, and also the only word that he knew (you know how once a baby learns a word they can never stop saying it, that’s what happened).
  Tyrhung I couldn’t tell you much about because the teiflings that owned me at that time didn’t speak common at all and I literally understood none of what they said the entire time I was in their possession. Still don’t know what it means to this day.
  Honour’s call was a name given to me by a religious crusader that used me to rid the holy lands of “demons” (anyone he didn’t like). I tried to explain to him that I already had a name but to be honest he thought everything I said was a demon trying to tempt him to abandon his cause so he didn’t really listen to me much.
  Eventually I was acquired from a merchant’s shop by a man wearing red who was going to an island that was home to a magical treasure, which was more of a lead than sitting on a shelf next to a pair of greaves that he was trying to pass off as being able to grant the ability to manipulate water (they did not) (they also made very poor conversation I might add). Annihilation of eternal bloodlust was just a name that the merchant that the redcloaks bought me from had given to me in order to bump his asking price up by 200 gold. I didn’t earn that one at all tbh.
  So I went with the red cloaks to Tigerlilly Island, and was once again hung up on a wall for several years (the red cloaks didn’t have much of an inclination to actually find the magic and treasure and stuff it turns out). I was looking for a new owner, and was going to seize the chance once I spotted a halfling rogue snooping around (we’re gonna ignore the part about being in the dungeon and needing to be destroyed and stuff cause I really wasn’t prepared for that), and ended up in a party of adventurers that if nothing else seemed like the type of people who would be daring enough to accidently stumble into the type of magic that I am looking for. And Gurt’s ok I guess.
  While my resentment towards violence has waned a bit in the past 300 years (it’s really hard to hold yourself to a particular virtue for so long) I do still try to avoid unnecessary murder when possible. Really I would just like to live out the rest of my human life already, and the only real lead to do so is to seek out powerful magical beings who I might be able to reason with.
  Also known as Vanquisher, Pact of the Moon, Honour's Call, Breaker of the Undying, and Tyrhung, Annihilation of Eternal Bloodlust.
  Last seen travelling from Tigerlily Island to Angel's Harbour after uncovering Skye Gnarbler's treasure.

Vanquisher, Pact of the Moon, Honour's Call, Breaker of the Undying, and Tyrhung, Annihilation of Eternal Bloodlust (Stanley)

3 Level (0/2700 XP for level-up) Background Sentient Weapon Race / Species / Heritage Chaotic Good Alignment
Sentient Weapon
Level 3
Hit Dice: 3/3
1d6+1 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
Spellcasting ...
+3 Attack mod
INT Ability
+1 Abi Mod
11 Save DC
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+3 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
-1 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
-1 Acrobatics DEX
-1 Animal Handling WIS
+1 Arcana INT
+3 Athletics STR
+1 Deception CHA
+1 History INT
-1 Insight WIS
+3 Intimidation CHA
+1 Investigation INT
-1 Medicine WIS
+1 Nature INT
-1 Perception WIS
+1 Performance CHA
+3 Persuasion CHA
+1 Religion INT
-1 Sleight of Hand DEX
-1 Stealth DEX
-1 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type

Spell Book

Can cast Message at Will
Monsterous PHysiology
Living Construct
Living Weapon
Live to Fight
Parrying Form

Features & Traits
Leather Tassel

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money

Languages & Proficiencies
Follower of Tempus 

Grants the following to wielder:

  • +3 to Hit

  • +3 to Damage (+2 damage after dash)

  • +2 Initiative


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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