
When enough arcane tomes and esoteric texts become concentrated in one place, such as in a Library, they begin to develop their own low level sentience which manifests itself in the form of a Librarian.   The Librarians are the custodians and caretakers of their precious books. They rearrange and reorganize their little domains seemingly at random until the Libraries are incomprehensible mazes of shelves that even the Warlocks who practically live inside Libraries struggle to locate anything. Librarians are capable of carrying towering stacks of heavy tomes and entire cases of scrolls as if they are single sheets of paper.   As products of their books, Librarians are understandably deathly afraid of the destructive effect of fire on parchment and paper, and strongly distrust any and all open flames. They treat even the small candles on top of a Candleskull will considerable suspicion. If confronted with an untamed fire within their Library, a Librarian will attempt to douse the fire flame with either a spray of fine sand or a cloud of asphyxiating gasses. Should this fail, a Librarian will begin to panic and attempt to evacuate as many books from the Library as possible with no regard for its own safety. Librarians also abhor loud noises that breach the peace and enforce silence by forcibly muting all sounds around them to a whisper. This has the additional effect of rendering most magic unusual, and is theorized to be a response to the tendancy of Warlocks to start throwing fireballs at intruding rivals.


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