
The myriad libraries of The Citadel are as varied as they are many. Although the sheer quantity of libraries seems redundant, the suspicious and jealous nature of their Warlock owners makes them necessary for keeping the various groups and Clades seperated. The last thing a dry, dusty room filled wall to wall with paper needs is fireballs being thrown about by feuding Warlocks.   A library is a reflection of it's Warlocks' collective minds, exhibiting some of their personality in the form of organisation, clutter, and miscellaneous decor. It is easy to work out which Clade owns a library from its style and contents. A library of the Brotherhood of the Idol is orderly, and most of the tomes have black covers adorned with skulls. A library of the Brotherhood of Majesty is unique to it's owner's whims and personal tastes, and usually has at least two paintings of Dragon Fragments. A library of the Brotherhood of Wrought Flesh more closely resembles a dojo than a place of learning. And a library of the Brotherhood of the Abyssal is... a chaotic mess more often than not.    

Collectivised knowledge

  The dense concentration of intensely magical tomes and esoteric works have a strange effect on a library. With enough arcane knowledge sat in one place, a library begins to gain its own low level sentience. This intelligence spontaneously manifests itself in the form of a Librarian, a being that acts as a caretaker and guardian to the fragile collection of books and scrolls.


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