Agahilt in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Agahilt (Ah-gah-hilt)

Agahilt, sometimes referred to by its nickname of Humanity's Blessing, is known as the first sanctuary for humankind after they lost their home to their mother solar system's sun and has become an HQ of sorts for them. While they have populated and built on top of most of the planet, making it look much more artificial than it actually is, most of the actual surface is left to the wild, as all human settlements are suspended above the ground with artificial sunlight beaming from the bottom.   Agahilt orbits Terra, the yellow dwarf of The Qobet System and sustains life, many of which are domesticated and farmed for human sustenance. Other species are either left alone to roam freely in the wild or have been made into household pets.   Speaking more on the planet itself, Agahilt is a slightly larger-than-earth terrestrial planet with earthlike gravity, not a lot of wind on average, and three small moons orbiting it. These moons don't impact the planet all that much because of how small they are. Nonetheless, the moons also have humans living on them though the moons are populated with only those humans who co-exist in the same household and prefer to be alone (Which isn't a lot of humans.)   Under all of the infrastructure the humans built on top, Agahilt is said to be very beautiful and is the closest to Earth the humans claim it to be. Different kinds of terrain sprinkle the planet, but the majority is covered in soft yellow plant life with bodies of cloudy grey water.   The water on Agahilt is cloudy and grey because of how full of bacteria the waters are. These bacteria, as observed by humans, can actually be used as a form of poison. However, this poison is similar to how chocolate would affect a being on Earth. While there is no antidote for the poisonous bacteria, there are those who have a form of natural immunity to it.

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