The Qobet System in Xaritry | World Anvil
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The Qobet System (Koh-beht)

The Qobet System is a binary system that is most famous for being the Home of the Humans , a highly-technologically advanced race from a combined galaxy far far away from Xaritry. The system is composed of a yellow dwarf (Terra) and a red giant star (Titan) orbiting each other with 4 planets orbiting it, two of which follow only the yellow dwarf in orbit.   Agahilt is one of the planets that follow the yellow dwarf's orbit instead of orbiting both suns in an oval. It is a habitable distance between both suns, albeit a bit on the hotter side. Agahilt is a slightly larger-than-earth terrestrial planet with earthlike gravity, not a lot of wind, and three small moons orbiting it. It was the first and most obvious pick for the colonizing humans to station their colonies. With no sapient life already present, Agahilt became the new Earth humans would call home.   Banug is the second planet that follows only the yellow dwarf's orbit and is much farther away from the yellow dwarf than Agahilt. It is around the same size as Agahilt. However, unlike Agahilt, Banug is a gas planet with not much gravity and hence almost no wind. Four moons also orbit it which causes rhythmic waves to form over the surface of the planet. Banug was the closest planet to Agahilt and hence it became the second most populated planet in The Qobet System. Banug is not a habitable planet, however, so the settlements there constantly rely on Agahilt for support.   Rukijunh is one of the other two planets that orbit both the yellow dwarf star and the red giant star. It is described as a relatively large terrestrial planet with close to no gravity, no moons, and no wind. Humans often call it a larger version of Earth's moon.   The final planet in The Qobet System, Jonev, orbits on a similar path to Rukijunh. It is classified as an exceptionally large terrestrial planet with barely comfortably high gravity, decently intense winds, and three moons orbiting it. Jonev is too far from either sun to be able to harbor life, however, it does serve as a water depot for humans given its surface is entirely water.

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