Banug in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Banug (Ban-oo-g)

Banug can be described as an "extension" of Agahilt. Humans went on to colonize it after Agahilt began to face overpopulation issues. Because of Banug's severe lack of hospitable traits, the colonists there rely mainly on artificially grown food and imported materials from Agahilt.   Banug characteristically can be explained as a gas planet around the same size as Agahilt with very low gravity and very little wind. Four moons orbit the planet and cause the gas surface to have waves and tides. Banug's gases contain very little hydrogen and oxygen and hence, most of the planet is made up of helium. This made settlement placement much easier as Humanity was able to utilize the planet's supply of helium to help make their colonies float.   Banug's color is also quite pretty, being all different shades of pink.

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