Civinko in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Civinko (Sihv-ink-oh)

Civinko is the only planet orbiting the supergiant star of The Sodijo System . It is mostly known for being one of the darkest habitable planets in the galaxy. While most native life lives in underwater civilizations, the immigrants make settlements on the shores of beaches or station themselves in areas of surface water reserved for "lunged-immigration cities." Civinkans try to make the most of what they can give to their fellow sapient lifeforms occupying the planet.   More on Civinko itself, it is a terrestrial planet almost entirely of water and whatever land there is is incredibly rocky and infertile. All native life is aquatic. This is because no matter what time it is on Civinko, the brightest it will ever be on the planet is a brightness similar to times of day on earthlike planets in earthlike solar systems nicknamed "Twilight".   Civinko's gravity is exceptionally low and its winds are quite intense. Its three moons pile on top of the wind of the planet to give certain areas intense currents on the surface. Other than that, Civinko is surprisingly very beautiful with turquoise waters and shiny pink rocks.

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