Dafegi in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Dafegi (Dah-fee-gee)

Dafegi is the only uninhabitable planet home to The Luness System, and yet a popular location among rich tourists.   Nonetheless, Dafegi is still a place many visit. It is mostly a place suitable for people who enjoy cold climates, however going outside is often discouraged because of its violently intense wind speeds. This not only makes it very difficult (and expensive) to visit, but also dangerous. People visiting have to arrive at a space station orbiting Dafegi as a fake moon and then take secure moon-elevator rides to quickly get to their desired hotel/resort of their choosing. Dafegi also has low gravity and thin clouds, making it even more expensive to station typical gas planet housing. Pushing against the low gravity too much could send an entire facility flying, but not pushing against it enough would cause the building to crash into the planet's core.   The only truly pretty part about Dafegi is its colors, mainly consisting of pink, orange, and purple, making it very pleasing to look at. True is the rule of nature that vibrant color is a sign of danger.

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